21: blue

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Asea felt her eyes feeling sore from all the crying she did after lunch. She's thankful Azrael's off somewhere, probably flirting with Fiona while she cries over her stupid punishment.

It was so simple, Yui called for her after lunch. He made tea and her head started feeling light until everything went dark. And when she woke up with a headache, her left wrist is not only stabbed, through the previous injury, it was also sprained. The doctor in the clinic puts a cast on her left wrist like he didn't think it was weird their boss kidnaps people to step over their wrists just because.

She tried multiple times to move her fingers but every move hurts her wrist more. She thought stabbing her wrist hurts more, at least there, it's just a deep puncture, nothing else. But this, she felt like something got broken inside and they won't tell her to not freak her out even more.

"Asea?" She heard Akio's voice calling for her and she didn't move nor even attempt to answer. She just closed her eyes and hoped to sleep, because that's way better than thinking about the pain too much.

She woke up feeling someone's hand on her wrist as she yelped in pain, tears quickly filling her eyes. Akio's under her who panicked and held on her waist tight, while his other hand held on her face, the palm of his hand under her chin as more tears fell on her cheeks in pain. She's positive something broke and they just didn't bother on x-rays. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, where does it hurt?" He asked softly, his thumb grazing on her cheeks to quickly wipe her tears.

She sniffed, realizing the position they're in.

It turned out, Akio got her under the bed and cuddled with her in one of the couches he moved by the wall. So, they can cuddle and the people can only see a couch facing the wall. Brilliant Akio.

She slightly panicked and was about to stand up but he held her waist and gently shushed her. "It's fine. It's fine."

His other hand snaked behind her back and slowly soothed circles to calm her down. She calmed herself though it's far-fetched, considering it got moved accidentally. "Put your wrist next to my head." She looked up, confused. He pointed on the side of his head. "Do it."


"So, it won't get hurt again. Try it." She puts her wrist up the side of his head. "Move up slightly so it won't hurt," one of her knees is on the middle of his thighs, the other's outside as using her other uninjured wrist, she lifted herself up. His gaze followed her move above him before she was directly on top of his face. He looks up and their eyes met. They were just an index finger away from each other. His lips were parted a little and she stopped.

And as if on cue, Yui's words flooded on her without warning.

"They said omegas are supposed to be pretty...right?"

"What happened to you?"

"You don't even...deserve...to be scored by me..."

"Aren't you...guilty?"

"You should be guilty."

"No one should have...the unlucky privilege of seeing you."

"You're lucky you're smart. But that doesn't work like that right?"

"I mean, you could be the smartest in this room and that won't change the fact that you're disgusting--"

He leaned his chin up and closed his eyes, and he was about to press his lips on hers when she buried her face on his neck. "I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Akio's hand gripped on the cloth of her hoody on her waist, his chest heaving up and down in slight shock.

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