15: national hug day

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Aeria's in shambles.

Aeria have no idea how to approach Yasser after he fucked Fiona on her heat. Because firstly, Fiona's back on her old seat. Secondly, Yasser greeted her with a good morning and a smile just a while ago. And thirdly, he patted her usual seat that was stolen to her and basically motioned for her to sit beside him. It was crazy. She thinks this is still a dream.

She wished that day was just a dream, too.

Because she wanted to mope around and feel so heartbroken but then, him being like this makes her broken heart feels so warm. Though it hurts, it hurts less now with that excited glimmer on his brown eyes. Like he's so excited to meet her again after almost four days of not speaking because of her heat. It's exhilarating, in a weird, good kind of way.

"Asea said you didn't eat too much these past few days, you should eat more." His tone became a little serious and she nodded fast, ignoring the scream on her mind saying 'because I'm brokenhearted you fucked that girl. Of course...of course, I couldn't eat.'

Even Yasser would go for the sexy girls. She's...kinda disappointed he did. He cheated on his mate. And unknowingly stepped on her heart when he chose to fuck that girl instead of her. Wait what. I mean. Uhm. No, she doesn't condone cheating at all, shut the fuck up, Aeria.

"Eat more." He said when he finished her first plate. Her eyes looked up and saw Fiona, her body thinner than she is. Then that scene happening flashed on her mind. "Uhm no. It's fine. I'm full." She smiled just to assure him she's fine and his eyes looked at her suspiciously. "Aeria, eat more." But... Her peripheral danced on Fiona's sexier frame as her mind screamed for her that she ate enough.

"No, it's fine." She got into the bathroom hastily and stared at her face.

"You said so before that you knew he doesn't like you so what are you moping about?" Her reflection stared at her. Her eyes were disappointed. She knows she shouldn't be feeling this. And she's right, she knew that way before. Why does she kept on comparing herself to Fiona? He chose her to cheat on his mate. Fiona's not lucky that she had herself tangled on this mess, it's hers. That's not her problem, it's his. So why is she so...

And whoever she is in the equation, that is Yasser's life, doesn't matter. She should just be his best bet whenever he wants to hang out and be idiots together. And that's fine. She's fine.

She's fine, right? She'll be fine.

Just...it'll hurt whenever she realizes that. And she's not even the mate who was cheated on. She stared back at her reflection and she forced a smile. "Hey, Aeria, it's fine. You're fine."

Keep telling yourself that, bitch.

She swallowed, feeling warm tears threatening to fall at the corners of her eyes. She's so fake, the tears said. "You're in a hell hole and you're just confused with your feelings. You have nothing else to do and he was there." She held a temporal breath. "He's a convenient choice. You're just confused. Right?" A stray tear fell down her eyes as the answer.

She stared at her eyes again. As if doing so will make her un-convince herself that he's not a convenient choice. Nor she was confused.

Just...be a friend and try not to feel more.

She opened the door and her eyes widened seeing Yasser waiting for her at the door. He smiled lightly, worry clouding his eyes as her heart skips a beat, ruining her promise in less than a minute. Fuck, Yasser, why.

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