12: screaming wars

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Jace woke up with a series of curses and hurried footsteps. He was lowkey waiting for this day. This day is their official first month, and the day where, according to Asea's theory, should be the day where Trey or Yasser will get hurt. But, he's waiting for this day because it'll be Ourie's fourth day in his rut so there's a large chance he'll get out by now. He wouldn't admit it out loud though yes, he kinda misses him. Kinda. No way he'll say that he misses him without the kinda. Pride's talking and it said kinda is needed or else.

He sat up and looked around. Asea's still sleeping but their other friends are already nowhere. And so he got his glasses, quickly washes his face, and brushed his teeth before putting the glasses on. When he got out, he saw Ourie and his friends trying to help someone to sit up.

Walking closer, his eyes widened when he saw Trey. He has bruises on his eyes and lips, his shirt is nowhere to be found and his sides are littered with bluish bruises. His nose is still bleeding. He's badly beaten.

"Trey, Trey, what happened? Who did this to you?" Ethan's voice is laced with panic. "I...don't know." He's barely awake. Like he's delirious.

"Em...where's Em?" Em grabbed his hand and he squeezed it, pulling her up for him to see. His other non-bruised eye watered when he sees her and Jace felt something tugged on his heartstrings at the scene. "Are you hurt?"

"N-no, I wasn't. Trey, I'm not hurt." Em stuttered in worry. Their fingers laced naturally and Jace's eyes widened at that. Oh.

"I told them they couldn't...hurt you with me here." His voice is careful, like everything he says is calculated because speaking hurts him, and yet, it managed to make them all silent.

Jace has no idea what was Em's reaction at that but she nodded and squeezed his hand back. "You need to rest for a while, Trey, okay?" He hummed as a response, closing his eyes as she slowly lets go of his hand. His friends brought him to their room and Em wanted to help but Roo told her to just talk to Trey when he's awake later.

Whoever are those people basically confirmed Asea's theory. He was about to turn towards Ourie when a pair of arms hugged him tightly. His smoke and cilantro pheromones enveloped him, as the side of his head touched his ear. The warmth of his body and the comforting pheromones he's been missing for three days is here again and he can't help but lean close.

"You don't know how to hug but I miss you. So. Much." Me, too, Ourie. And yes, he feels awkward when hugging but he doesn't mind people wanting to hug him. "But, I'll tend to Trey first, I'll see you later." Before he can even think of responding, he lets go and sprinted towards their room. He sprinted. He blinked fast and sighed. Okay.

He's fine. He just had to forget that he smells like laundry detergent, smoke, and cilantro and he can't help but to wish for Ourie to just stay a little longer.



When Trey woke up and started telling them what happened, he was sure of everything. He saw everything. Though it took him napping for four hours and eating before him being delirious subsided, it was worth it. Three men in black. And one woman watching them. Really beautiful, he said.

"She said, there are a lot of things that's stopping me from ruining the rules. Yet sometimes I want to kill that sweet little girl without any reason at all...who was that? Emerald?" Then he paused as if he didn't want to say the next words if Azrael didn't glare at him. He looked down and said, "I told her...she wouldn't be able to hurt Em with me here.." Exactly like how he said it a while ago. He was a blushing mess which he immediately will away by clearing his throat and continuing.

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