22: casually dressed truth

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Em stared at Ethan. He'd always looked cold and salty, but behind that facade is...just a loving brother who has a soft spot for his sister. Yasser pulled him back against the couch as he just leaned his head back, completely forgetting they exist. And it's fine. She can't imagine the pain he must have felt losing his sister.

When he could've done something to convince her better. To stop her or to beat those people up like they would do for his best friends all the time, to make her feel like the goddess that she truly is, regardless of her flaws. Em looked down at her hands. Everyone has flaws though...just, everyone's eyes are different.

It hurts seeing him cry for his sister. She wanted to hug him or maybe just pat his head, even if it's a poor attempt to comfort him, she still wants to do it. And the fact that they're really close and he thought the world of her sister, he must be blaming himself so much for not doing enough.

Maybe that's why he cares about others even in his own way, uncaring of his phobia. He wanted to do the things he would have done for her sister. And she knows Ethan's trying so hard to release himself from the regrets and to just forgive himself.

Her eyes caught Roo. Must be the liquor but his eyes are tearful as he watches Ethan. Slices of steak were brought in by the butler though they didn't really make a move to get it.

Her chest feels heavy and sad at the story. That even when Yui asked Roo, her mind's still on that story. "I'm the youngest. And we're all taught to be independent and...that's that?" Roo is like her. As much as he can, he'll hide things about himself. If it isn't needed, why bother telling it?

"We're just linear and boring." He said finally, a little sarcastic. Yui doesn't seem bothered and he doesn't seem to want to push Roo more.

"How about you, Akio?"

"I have a mom and a dad and a younger brother?" He asked because he's unsure if this is what Yui really wants from him. Yui nodded, urging him to go on. "Our parents are mostly absent. At most, we see them once in two months. Rushed dinners, busy breakfasts, nannies are much more present than them but...we've gotten used to it." He said, his eyes confused if that's enough. His chin's atop Asea's shoulder who's leaning in to get her first drink, finally.

"Did you have a girlfriend before?" He slightly laughed and hummed as a response. Akio's really handsome, and he looks like a doting boyfriend to Asea today but that's not the point, really, why are these alphas so handsome, anyway? This is such a wrong time to simp, Emerald, seriously.

"How many?" Emerald blinked fast at that. Interesting question. 

"I don't have serious ones." Very vague way of answering that question. "Even the not-so-serious ones." Yui teased and Em looked away because again, this isn't the time to simp for alphas especially the one who kidnapped them.

He blinked fast, before he reached on her lap, clasping their hands together. Asea's too busy staring at her shot glass to care. Oh. "Not more than 25." Em almost choked at that as Roo looked away, afraid he'll cast him a judgmental glare. Aeria oh-ed and Jace's totally staring then nodding to himself as if saying, 'I mean, why not?'

"I'm curious...why?" Fiona asked suddenly. "If someone confesses to me, I say yes and try it for a week. If it works, okay. If it doesn't, break up." He has a non-committal stare and an almost nonchalant tone. He treats dating as a free trial, where he can cancel every time. I mean, at least he doesn't just reject them, he dates them to see if there's a spark then leaves it at that when there's none.

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