16: change targets

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Em just woke up a little late after breakfast. There is breakfast left for her though, thankfully. When she came out of the room, she has no idea what to say. Like her, Ethan's by the kitchen counter, watching the ruckus.

Azrael's at the laundry room, sighing before turning away. Yasser's near the ruckus but he seemed proud, looking at everyone. Akio's laughing as Jace has been unsuccessful in trying to sketch in his pad because of laughing too much. Fiona's at the gym area, wiping her sweat, her eyes blinking fast at the scene. "What the fuck." Roo said as Em tried not to laugh. Priceless. Just priceless.

Ourie's the victim, sitting by the floor with a plastic trash bag underneath him. Aeria and Trey's evil laughs can be heard and teasing the hell out of Ourie. Aeria's brushing some kind of coloring on Ourie's head while Trey would put some kind of foil after every section that was brushed with color. "Bro, I really want rainbow hair," Ourie begged as Trey and Aeria laughed.

"Bro, I added ketchup to make red." Trey.

"Trey, I put cucumbers in one of the mixes." Aeria.

"Fuck, we don't have yellow," Trey said, his face contorting in concentration.

"Mustard!" Aeria shoved the brush into Trey's hand and run to the kitchen.

"What are the other colors? That's just yellow, red, and green. You can do better than that." Ourie challenged, frustrated because he really needs his rainbow hair or there'll be war.

"I...what?" Aeria asked, getting the mustard. 

Trey's eyes widened. "Fuck, what are the other colors?"

"I forgot," Aeria said, falling into deep thought. The three went silent, Trey frozen, still holding up the brush, Aeria still holding the mustard.

"ROYGBIV," Yasser told them as the three oh-ed. "Why did I forget that?" Trey asked.

Ourie sighed and with a solemn tone said. "Because you're an idiot, my bro."

"Bro, I thought you love me."

"Bro, I love you but you're an idiot okay?"

Trey smirked. "Bro, what does that say about you?" Betrayal is written on Ourie's face as Aeria laughed. 

Ourie frowned, "Shut up, Aeria, you're an idiot, too."

"I never said I wasn't. We still don't have orange."

"Use carrots then," Trey said, looking like he just said the secret to the universe.

"Bitch, I hate carrots anyway." Aeria.

"Bitch, me too!" Sassy Ourie almost made Aeria cry.

"Who eats carrots anyway? They probably don't have a life." Trey said that made the other two chuckle.

"Oh, Azrael makes carrot cakes. I thought you love that, Trey." Akio said, his voice loud to make Azrael hear it. Azrael glared at Trey who flinched hard. "I was kidding, Azrael. Please don't take my taster privileges, I'm begging you--"

Azrael was serious but it looks like he really likes making fun of Trey. "You just said those who eat carrots don't have a life. Do you want to follow?"

"Azrael no. You know I love you more than anything in this world. Please don't forget that when you're thinking of killing me--" Trey was hit by a pillow by Ethan.

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