10: twelfth

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"Hey, Asea, what's happening?" Azrael asked again. "Uh...wait.."

"What wait, what is it?" Azrael's always so impatient when it's Asea. Sometimes it's just painfully obvious. "Hand me the knife." She said, her hand appearing from the hole. Yasser handed her the knife and every step she did makes creeks on the ceiling.

"There's no window?" Trey.

"None." She answered, as the sound of the knife hitting the wall was heard. Again. And again. She's trying to break the wall. "There's nothing there?" Trey asked again.

"Nothing." She continued trying to hack the wall when she heard it. The sound of a door creaking behind her. She looked back, pointed the flashlight at it, and saw an ajar trapdoor on the wall.

"Asea?" She could hear them calling her name but her eyes are stuck at the trapdoor. She walked towards it and pulled the door open. It smelled of mothballs. Like a closet full of clothes and blankets stuck there for several years.

And yet, when she opened it, there's nothing but a hollow space, shaped like a dumb waiter. That's it? Is this the only way out here? There's no button or anything, pressing the wooden door will make it blend back to the wall. If this is an elevator, it leads to somewhere then.

See, Asea's really clumsy and unaware of her surroundings. Anyone could sneak in behind her and she wouldn't know. It wasn't surprising that someone managed to hold on to her arm, flip her and press her against the wall. The flashlight fell down to her feet and she couldn't see whoever it is but before she can make any sound, a warm hand covered her mouth.

And even if he covered her mouth, she felt a warm wave of pheromones clinging to her skin. Strong and intense. Her knees felt melting. She can't see his face because of the darkness and his arm pinned her shoulder against the wall. She wasn't panicking but feeling the strong presence of his pheromones clinging to her intentionally, she knew he's dangerous.

"Who are you? Who are those people?" She stopped struggling, hearing his voice. It's deep and low, yet slightly afraid. Then she realized any wounded animal would be dangerous. "Should I be asking you that?" She mumbled on his palm and he didn't let go. His hand is soft. Is that what really matters, Asea, really?

"I've been stuck here for six hours," he whispered as if he's afraid anyone else will hear him. Six hours? Way before they woke up?

She pushed him off slightly and he was still so close to her even when he takes his hand off that slightly, just slightly made her shy. Anyway, they can't see each other so it's fine, maybe. Keep telling yourself that, Asea. "W-where are you staying?" Stuttering because of the closeness, wow.

"I woke up inside the dumbwaiter. Are they bad?" He asked and she shook her head. Like a kid, he's asking if they're bad. He's cautious, of course.

Her eyes widened when he lost balance and she was quick to hold on to his waist to pull him up. His knees gave up and she hugged him tight as she cursed, feeling his weight. His head fell on her shoulder and she swallowed. "Uhm." She pinched his side as she closed her eyes, controlling herself not to panic at what's happening.



Jace's eyes are as curious and bothered when Azrael came up to check on Asea only to come back down with an unconscious tall, beautiful guy in tow. It's hard to put him down even as they both held by his armpits so that Trey and Ourie can catch him from down below, Yasser holding on to his head so it won't get hit by anything. They put him down on the couch and his eyes roamed the young man's body.

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