24: overrated

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No one's

That night, Trey and Akio decided to stay at the right-wing, afraid of 'accidents' like the one that happened to Roo and Ethan. That was the worst...worst fucking decision the two made.

Because in the middle of the night, they got dragged by Yui's men as he smiled at them. They were forced to kneel. It was...fucking shameful, to kneel because you wanted your life spared. Akio has never felt so little.

"Okay...Hmm." Then he leaned down the grip on their nape and their hands behind their back tightening. He showed both hands, his trimmed nails and elegant fingers showing in the dark. "Focus. Both of you, choose a finger."

They were confused, struggling as he clicked his tongue in annoyance, clearly impatient. "Choose a finger. Just one finger so you can both go back to sleep." He said and the two didn't answer, still fucking confused at what's happening. Each hand tapped both their foreheads, annoyed at them not answering.

"Don't let me repeat it." Akio looked at Trey who closed his eyes tight, hating the hands that aren't kind at all on his hair and wrists. "Left index." He hummed happily at what he answered standing up and looking at his left hand as he laughed out loud. What the fuck's happening to him? 

"Okay, let them be."

They were left alone like nothing just happened as he marched towards the stairs.

Their breakfast the next day was fine even with Yui present until... "So." He said, clasping her hands upright above the table. He wasn't wearing glasses today and they can see how malicious his smile is whenever he stops eating for a while, glancing at them from time to time. His watch is gold today.

"How was your week?" He made sure to send suppressants to the two, just for the breakfast and to let them rest for the rest of the day. That's what the butler told them when he sent suppressants that morning.

When no one answered and just glanced at him, he smiled. "Or Asea, tell them what happened last night." Asea's face got confused. "I slept?"

He frowned. "Something happened last night, right?"

"No...I slept early. Really." She said, her eyes fucking confused on what he's talking about. Is he having memory problems or something? He pouted, whining. "No, that can't be. Something happened last night!"

"Maybe it's just your dream," Asea told him, continuing to eat. She's talking casually to him and he doesn't seem to mind. Just last week, he told her she's disgusting as fuck. And she doesn't seem to recover from it since she doesn't really look at him in the eyes so much.

"No, no, no, it wasn't a dream..." He held his cheeks, huffing in frustration. Then he seemed to have thought something bright as he sat up properly. He acts like a kid sometimes, and it's cute but they wouldn't admit that, of course. "By the way, let's drink later." He said, looking at them. "Just us, just let Akio and Trey rest. Or maybe we can give them suppressants so they can join us."

"Why would we--" He raised his hand to Yasser. "Later, after dinner, we'll drink. It'll be a little party. " He stood up and left them. He seemed excited as he leaves.



Aeria wanted to cry. The butlers...fucking...fucking...fucking brought dresses. Just casual dresses for mall walks or something. Casual, like for house parties but still, Aeria's basically boyish on her style. She doesn't enjoy wearing dresses. It really is a party.

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