8: you, me, yes

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The last time they were sitting opposite each other on the couch, he was eating what he cooked for him. Didn't know the next time would be them talking about something they somehow couldn't control. He has his mask back on. Last time, he hasn't had his mask, they were kissing, and just remembering it felt surreal. He refuses to think back but it kept popping off like he had no other, more important things to think of.

"We weren't conscious when we did it." Roo started.

His eyes are the same cold orbs like he's bored and yet judging someone hard in just a stare. Different from those burning eyes that specific day. "I closed the door." Roo just looked at him as he continued. "I'm, at least, 75% conscious."

"Which means?"

"Let's date." Roo just stared at him, as if challenging him to take it back. "We're supposed to help each other out during our heats."

"Date." He muttered. Roo told himself that if it does come, whatever it is that they call love, he doesn't want his plans ruined along with it. Dating someone isn't on his plans, at all. But something isn't sitting right with him. "Are you dating anyone else?" Ethan asked him.

"If you're 75% conscious, you were aware that you're giving me a bond mark?" Ethan just blinked, as if he's sure at what everything that has happened and has no regrets. Wow, okay.

It's not that Roo's regretting. Okay, he is regretting, there's a fucking bond mark on his nape, which meant he'll be wanting for a certain alpha to ease the pain on his heats and he'll be dating an alpha. A fucking alpha who they were warned against, those who will force themselves on omegas. Like him.


He breathed calmly. Trying to stay sane while his whole body's heating up in what, irritation and just.. just because he looks so sure on what he's done and doesn't regret anything. "Why?"

"I never had my rut triggered by someone in particular. I figured there was something about you." Can I just punch him in the face? How is he so rash and yet so sure about this?

Roo is internally freaking out and this man continued. "Fated pair." He almost coughed loudly at that. Bullshit. That's a fucking legend. He sighed as if the alpha is nearing losing patience seeing the doubt and disagreement on his face.

Really? He's the one losing patience?

"That's a legend."

"It's subjective but not entirely false." Roo blinked, unamused. This bullshit is his reason for biting him? Really? "You got triggered on my scent as I did. That's fated pair."

A fated pair is an alpha/omega couple who are supposedly destined to be together. Like soulmates in the beta's terms. Except it's not just their souls who are entwined, whatever romanticism has managed to inculcate on almost everything laughable that isn't practical, they're bonded with deep emotional and sexual connection to each other. And some would know it at their first meeting, or when they get presented, it varies from person to person but Roo thinks it's just one way to look at the bright side of alphas and omegas bonding together.

Just untrue and completely coincidental. Like twin telepathy. Though he thinks there is really preference and biases within each person so there's a reason why he's friends with Em, Asea, Aeria, and Jace yet would call Ethan salty on his head.

There's no such thing as soulmates. It's just a matter of preference.

Ethan held his left arm to him and showed his wrist that made him stop. Needle wounds. But... "Alphas don't need to use suppressants when it's their heat. It's manageable," because that's how it is. Alphas can go on with their life even with their rut. It might be hard for some to control themselves that they still suppressant to not get attracted to the scent (the pain's not that apparent for them, only the fact that they can just grab some omega and fuck them relentlessly just because is the part that needs to get controlled).

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