25: rising action

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TRIGGER WARNING: slight smut if you open your eyes



Azrael stared at her as she leaned on the footboard, her foot above her knee as she tries to entangle the shoelaces of her sneakers. It took her...a minute or two just wondering how to take it off. "Are you that drunk, you can't take your shoes off?" He reached in and held her ankle as she lets him take it off. He puts her shoes neatly next to the bedside table, then her socks that she attempted to get but he already puts back to the shoes. As soon as he's done, she pulled her knees close to her chest and hugged them.

"I'll brush my teeth, my tongue tastes weird. Wait here." She said quickly. She stumbled towards the bathroom and brushed her teeth. It took her a few minutes because her motor functions are swimming in liquor. He stayed leaning at the headboard, watching her and waiting for her.

His eyes widened when she held on to the hem of her dress and started undressing. He quickly looked away and waited for the shower to open before standing up, his eyes stuck on the dimmed wall, and closing the bathroom. This girl is really drunk. He heard her screaming because of the cold water as he frowned, going back to his place.

After a few more minutes of her screaming because of the cold water, she emerged from the bathroom in just the towel and he trained his eyes on the bed, hearing her stumble and curse repeatedly until she reached the walk-in closet. "Shit.." He whispered, hating the situation he's in. He's just waiting and waiting for her to finish and he doesn't want to be accused of sexual harassment for staying.

But she fucking told him to stay, okay? And he didn't see anything, he looked away as much as he can, so he shouldn't feel guilty. Right? Right. Keep telling yourself that, Azrael, whatever helps you sleep at night.

"Hey." She called as he looks up. She's in her pajamas already, her hair wet and unruly. "You're not...Azrael, right?" He blinked fast, not knowing how to answer that question. He just answered that a while ago.

"I told you I'm Azrael."

"You're not! You're nicer than him. Come here." Before he could react, she sat down and pulled him towards her. And when he thought she wants him to sit nearer, he was wrong. She pulled his shoulder to lay down his head on her lap. "Hey, relax." She said, taking off his glasses.

He had no idea why he's not acting up and pushing her away. Why he fixed the way he laid down on her lap as he wonders what she'll be doing next. Why he just stared at the way her eyes traveled around his face. Why he hated his eyes to be blurry because he can't see her properly. Why he's letting her lead him.

Is it the alcohol? Maybe. But he's aware of everything, he's not drunk, unlike her, he didn't stumble his way here. He's just...dunno. Must be the migraine. He had no idea. She tapped the bridge of his nose lightly. "You kept frowning, does your head always hurts?"

Ah, she thought right. The migraine is, then. He didn't answer. His migraine is as common as hiccups to the children. "Okay..." She puts her fingers on his temple and started lightly massaging it. He wanted to stop her, push her away, hate her even more but he found himself leaning to her touch instead. Didn't even comb her hair and she's here massaging his temples.

He breathed sharply, when her fingers pressed hard, making him close his eyes and relax. A few more minutes when he finally felt his head feeling light. She has good hands even when she's drunk. "I'm tired." She said, dropping herself on the bed as he stayed on her lap, opening his eyes. His head stopped hurting.

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