Chapter 6

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Ever since they got here, Giselle never see the whole house. She was curious about what inside the house so she decide to look around. She put her book on the nightstand and walk out of her room.

The house look quite big. She at the second floor when notice something. It's a room. She believe there only four room when they first got here. Where this room come from ? Why she didn't see it before ?

When Giselle about to open the door, she hear someone talking. "Who's that ?" thought Giselle. She look around but see no one. "That's must be Winter and Ning ? Whatever." Giselle shook her head and went back to the door.

"Wait-. Where the door ?" Suddenly the door is gone when she try to open again. She look so confuse. She believe there a door infront of her.  "What is going on here ?" thought Giselle again.

Karina still walking around the town, thinking about Jiu. She goes to the cafe, expect to see her since it's her favourite place, yet she not there.

She lost in her thought that she accindently bump into someone. That person fall and her voice bought Karina back into reality. "Oh my goodness. Are you okay ? I'm so sorry." say Karina, held out her hand to help the falling girl.

The girl take Karina hand's and she been pull up by her. She brush off all the dust on her clothes. Karina keep bowing and apologise to her. The girl shook her head and forgive her about the incident.

"It's okay. It was accident. It my fault too. I should watch where i'm going." say the girl shyly. Karina shook her head. For her, it's her fault not the girl.

"By the way, i'm Yoohyeon. And since you look down, how about i treat you something." say Yoohyeon. Karina was shock by the sudden offer. She want to decline but the girl seem nice. "I'm Karina. I- we just met" excuse Karina.

Yoohyeon just smile and pull Karina hand to the nearest shop. "I know we just met but i hate to see someone sad. Not at someone as pretty as you." say Yoohyeon with her cheesy smile. Karina blush at those words. She hope Yoohyeon don't notice the red on her cheek.

At the cafe, Karina and Yoohyeon sit in silence. Either one of them say any word. Later, the waitress come with the menu. "May i take your order please ?" say the waitress to both of them. "Let me check the menu first." say Yoohyeon. "Sure." With that the waitress leave them for awhile.

Karina look at the menu. She can feel the stare. This time, it's not from other people but it's from Yoohyeon. Even Karina can't see her face, she know Yoohyeon smiling at her. She try to ignore it. "I think i already know what to order." say Karina still looking at the menu. "I call the waitress for you."

Before she could say anything, Yoohyeon already call the waitress. Her eyes still focus on Karina. Soon, the waitress went to their table with book to take their order. "Yes miss. Is there any meal you like to order ?"

Karina look again at the menu, while Yoohyeon already order her meal. The waitress write on her book. Once she done, she focus on Karina, waiting for her order. "I want orange juice and chocolate waffle with ice cream please." order Karina. "Okay. You're meal will server soon."

With that, the waitress leave them again to give the order to the chef at the kitchen. "So, why are you sad ? Did something happen ?" ask Yoohyeon, start conversation. "Actually...."

Karina tell about Jiu to Yoohyeon and all she hear is Yoohyeon laugh. Everyone look at them. Yoohyeon immediately low her voice and apologise. "Why are you laughing ?" ask Karina with a red cheek. She try to erase the blush on her face but it still there.

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