Chapter 7

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"This should not be this way."

"I'm sorry."

"I can't believe this really happen."

"I'm really sorry."

"It's happening and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Ningning hear someone talking,more tu group of people. She try to find who that person, but she don't know where are they. She keep hearing the voice anywhere. "Hello ? Is anybody here ?" ask Ningning.

She keep looking around but found no one. She know the voice only around this place but why she can't find them. "Where are they ?" thought Ningning. She still hear the voice but this time the voice sound familiar. She hear this voice before but she can't think the person is.

"So, we give up ?"


"Say something."

"I'm sorry."

"I can't believe."

Ningning hear a footstep. The voice getting clear and now she know where the voice came from. It's a room near the kitchen. She walk toward the door slowly and open the door. She see some of people in there. "Who are this people ?" thought Ningning to herself.

Then she see someone familiar but she can't see her face. She remember her voice but she can't point out who it is. Her mind is blank and she really want to know who are this people and why they here in her house.

When she about to approach them, she hear the same footstep. It's getting closer. Soon, the sound of footstep stopped. Ningning can feel someone standing behind her back and when she turn around


Karina wake up from her sleep when she hear someone screaming. She look at her side to see Ningning shiver in fear. Her face full of sweat and she look pale. Karina pull her into a hug and try to comfort her.

Her heart beat so fast and it's hard for her to breath. Her older sister still holding her, try to make her feel better. "Are you okay, Ning ? Did you have some nightmare ?" ask Karina with calm tone. It's make her feel better. Soon, she feel safe.

She look at her older sister with teary eyes. Karina wipe it with her thumbs and kiss her forehead. "I hear a voice" tell Ningning. "A voice ?" repeat Karina.

Ningning nod her head. The dream still fresh in her mind. She still remember what happen inside her dream. She tell everything to her older sister. "But who are those people ? Is there anyone you remember ?" ask Karina, with curiousity.

Ningning remember this person but she can't tell who. Her voice, her face, it look so familiar. It seems like they have met before but she can't remember when. She just shook her head and Karina nod in understanding. "It's okay. You should go back to sleep. It's still early " say Karina.

Ningning nod her head. She snuggle closer to Karina, close her eyes and try to fall asleep. Karina caress her hair untill she fall asleep. They didn't know there someone watching them in the darkness.

The next day, Karina and Ningning wake up with aloud sound from outside. They groan in annoyed. "It's Winter right ?" say Ningning. "Yeah, who else." say Karina.

They walk out of the room and went to kitchen. They saw Giselle and Winter standing at doorway. "What happen ?" ask Karina. Winter point to them what they see. It's a blood. A pool of blood.

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