Chapter 10

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                       TW // Blood

It was late evening, Karina and Giselle decide to go back home. Leaving the youngest alone without supervision isn't good idea. "What should we get for dinner ? I'm too lazy to cook." say Karina, clingy to Giselle. "There's new cafe at the corner. Should we try their menu ?" suggest Giselle.

After the buy for the dinner, they went back home. "Giselle, thanks for today." say Karina, kissing Giselle cheek. Giselle smile sheepishly. "It's not a big deal." say Giselle with shy smile.

They got home and open the door to see their youngest sister, Ningning standing infront of the door with her hand cross on her chest. She look at her sisters and expect an explaination from them.

"Well" start Ningning with annoyed voice tone. Karina and Giselle feel guilt for not answering Ningning phone call. "We're sorry" it all they can say.

Ningning just shook her head and walk to living room. They have to do something to make it up to their younger sister.

At dining room, they all eat in silence. Winter didn't realise anything because she too busy enjoying her food.  Karina and Giselle looking at each other in awkward. They know that Ningning still mad at them. "Errr... Ning" call Karina, looking awkward.

Ningning pretend she didn't hear her sister calling her name. She keep eating her food. "Ning ?" this time, it was Giselle. Ningning didn't spare her look at them and keep ignoring them.

Karina let out a sigh, she take Ningning hand and hold it. Ningning try to brush it off but Karina still hold it. "I'm sorry. I know i should ignore you're call. I don't have anything to say because it will sound excuse for you. All we can say it we sorry" say Karina with apology look on her face.

Now, Ningning feel bad for mad at her sisters. She shouldn't feel this way but she scare at what happen when they gone. She caress Karina hand and give her a smile. "I forgive both of you. But please pick up my call everytime when i'm calling you, okay ?" Karina and Giselle nod their head.

They glad that Ningning forgive them. "Well, why are you calling ? Is there anything you want ?" ask Karina. Ningning looking at Winter before tell them the whole story.

Karina and Giselle look so surprise at Ningning story while Winter look so confuse. "It's that true, Winter ?" ask Karina. Winter aggressively shook her head. "What ? No" her mouth full of food. She look like little squirrel. "Then what ?" ask Karina again.

Winter tell them about her imaginary friend. Giselle could help but to laugh. She found it funny but cute at the same times. "Why are you laughing ?" she pouting, looking down on her food. Ningning squish Winter cheek. "You're so cute" say Karina between giggle.

At night, everyone is sleeping except Giselle and Winter. They watching some horror movie while eating some snack. "I don't know why Karina scare of this movie. It's not that bad" say Winter between her laugh. Giselle just nod nervously. She slowly getting scare.

Suddenly they hear someone screaming. Giselle and Winter look at each other. "You hear that ?" ask Giselle. Winter nod her head. She hear it clearly.

"It's that Ning ?"

"That's not her voice"

"Then ?"

"I don't know. And i don't think it Karina's voice too"

Winter is right, the voice doesn't belong to any of her siblings voice. The voice was quite loud. "Want to find out who scream in the middle of the night ?" ask Giselle. Instead of answer Giselle question, Winter scream back at the voice. Giselle surprise by Winter sudden action and hit her shoulder.

"Help me"

They hear the voice again. It was a woman voice. This time, the voice sound cracky and low. Winter decide to investigate who owns the voice.

When she about to open the door, she hear someone running at hallway. The voice getting louder. It scare Winter a little. She step back and run to her bed. "You know what, let's go to sleep"

Giselle agree with the idea. She take the remote and close the tv. She pull Winter closer and hug her tight. She hope she won't see anything scary inside their room.

The next day, Giselle and Winter wake up early. Both of them didn't get enough sleep because of the screaming. They walk toward the door lazily. When they open the door, they saw alot of blood on the wall and on the floor. "What the-"

Winter following the traces of blood all the way to the stairs. She look at her sister with her eyes wide open. "The blood end here" tell Winter.

The hall filled with blood and they have no idea how this happen. Did someone get into their house and get murdered right away ? Is the blood belongs to the voice they hear last night.

The door open, Karina walk out with sleepy face. Her eyes wide open when she smell something weird. She gasp when she see the blood on the hallway. She look at her sisters with surprise face. "What's is going on here ?"

Winter and Giselle tell Karina the whole story. Karina didn't expect thing like that. She so scare that she start to tremble. She look so pale and her body feel cold. "Anything else ?" ask Karina, trying to sound cool.

They shook their head. "Are you guys okay ?" ask Karina again. She hope her sisters are fine. They just nod their head. Karina sigh in relief. "Winter, mind to clean the blood before Ning see this ?" Winter nod her head. She walk to bathroom to get some clean water.

While waiting to filled the water, Winter see something she don't want to see. It's blood on the mirror. It say "Get out of this house while you can" Winter calling out her sisters name. When they shown up, she point what she see to them. "What is that ?" ask Giselle.

There so many thing happen in one night. Things getting worse. Now they start to think what local people say might be true. Maybe this house is haunted. "I want to check on Ning. I hope she's fine"

Karina run toward Ningning's room. She so surprise to find out Ningning isn't inside the room after she open the door. "Ning, where are you ?" calling Karina to her younger sister. She looking for around the room but didn't found her. "Where is she ?"

Karina walk toward the bathroom and see her two sister still standing there with surprise look on their face. "Ning isn't in her room" tell Karina to them.

"WHAT ?!"

They been looking for her around the house but found nothing. They even sent a text and trying to call her but they still got nothing. They start to feel worried. Usually, Ningning will inform them if she want to leave early but now, they got no note or text.

"Do you think where she is ?" ask Giselle. They try to think where is their younger sister but they got no clue. "Maybe she went outside to get some fresh air" Winter walk toward the door. Unfortanely, the door can't be open. She try severe times but the door remind close. "Weird"

"Great. None of us can get out of here" tell Winter to them. The key still there. It feel like door been lock from the outside but that doesn't make any sense.

"Ning, where are you ? Please be safe"

If what happen right now, they hope that Ningning is fine. They can't imagine if their little sister in danger. They don't want anything bad happen to her.

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