Chapter 18

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Siyeon play at the playground with her friend, Yoohyeon and Gahyeon. They were so close since they were little. And since then, they always together no matter what they doing.

"Yah! Yoohyeon, that's cheating" say Gahyeon in high pitch note. Yoohyeon close her ears at how loud Gahyeon voice is. Seeing Yoohyeon stupid grin make Gahyeon more mad. She stomped her legs with pout on her face.

Yoohyeon laugh at how cute Gahyeon when she's mad. Siyeon who has no idea what is going just stare at them with blank expression. Suddenly, Gahyeon went to Siyeon, tugging her sleeves. "Singnie, look at Yoohyeon. She's cheating" complain Gahyeon to Siyeon.

Yoohyeon laugh even more when Siyeon look at them in confusion. "What ? What's happen ?" ask Siyeon in confusion. She really don't know what happen and why they start fighting.

Gahyeon shake Siyeon arms severes times. She still whiney about Yoohyeon cheating on the game. "I'm not cheating. It's you who not good at playing game" explain Yoohyeon. It's true, Gahyeon really bad when come to a game. Even after been teach by Yoohyeon, Gahyeon still don't know how to play. Gahyeon let out of cuff. "Fine" say Gahyeon, crossing her arm on her chest.

Siyeon still standing there with blank expression on her face. She mind wander everywhere untill she notice someone. Not just someone, more to her crush.

Yoohyeon and Gahyeon notice Siyeon reaction when she spot her crush. Siyeon will be little shy and panic when see her crush around her. Sometimes she like to approach her but end up embarrassing herself.

Her crush is playing on the swings by herself. This times she was alone. Usually, she will come here with her other friend. Siyeon can only stare at her from afar. "Go talk to her" say Yoohyeon with grin on her face. Gahyeon also agree with Yoohyeon idea.

Siyeon start to feel exhausted. She really want to approach her but what if she does and embarrass herself again. What if the girl find her weird ? She don't want that. She just want to be her friend.

"Don't worry. You won't embarrass yourself again. Just say hi to her, that's it" encourage Gahyeon. Siyeon look at her friend before look back at her crush. She take a deep breath and start to walk toward the girl. "I can do this. Just say hi. If she talk back then that's good. If not, just pretend nothing happen" say Siyeon to herself.

She walk closer untill she beside the girl. The girl didn't notice her yet. Siyeon take a deep breath and try to greet her. "Hi" greet Siyeon, awkwardly. The girl look at her, remembering her, immediately give her a cute smile. Siyeon swear she almost faint at how cute she is when she smile.

Siyeon crush is smaller than her. Her body is small make her look tiny and cute. It make Siyeon want to put her inside her pocket.

"Hi" greet the girl. She still smile at Siyeon. Now, Siyeon smile like an idiot since her crush talking back at her. "She so cute" say Siyeon to herself.

The girl tilted her head, wondering why Siyeon smile like that. She clear her throat. "Wanna play with me ? I'm alone and my friends can't come because they busy" offer the girl. Without thinking, Siyeon take other swings and play with her crush.

Since then, Siyeon start becoming friend with her crush. Even they just a friend, it's enough to make Siyeon happy.

"Are you still thinking about her ?" ask Handong. Seems like Siyeon in deep thought. Siyeon give Handong her sad smile. Of course Siyeon still thinking about her. She been Siyeon's crush since elementary school and Siyeon feeling for her still remain the same even when they already dead.

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