Chapter 21

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"To get out of here, they need to break the spell"

"I don't think they can do that"

"Guess what ? They will stuck here for entire of time"

Ningning saw two people talking and laughing. She wonder what they talking about. She went closer to get a better view.

"Let's see how they try to escape from this nightmare"

Ningning saw a boy holding a book. She believe, those book can help them to escape from this house. With that book, they can break the curse and run away. With that book, they can be free.

"I need that book" say Ningning to herself. She remember how the book look like. She will get it when two people leave the small library.

Ningning see, two people walking toward her. She slowly back away from her spot. She didn't realize that she bump into someone from behind.

When Ningning turn around, she see a middle age lady holding a shrap knife. She point the knife at her. "Oh no"

Ningning start to sweat. She was so scare. Before she could scream, the middle age lady stab her with the knife.


Ningning thought she was going to die. It turn out to be another nightmare. She was sweating because of her scary dream. "Another nightmare ?" say Ningning to herself.

Karina, Giselle and Winter also wake up from their sleep because of Ningning voice. They look at her with concern look on their face.

"Are you okay ?" ask Karina. Ningning nod her head. "Yeah. Just another nightmare" tell Ningning, breathless. Then she remember something. She hope the book still there in the same place.

Ningning get up from her spot. She about to leave the living room when her hand been held by Karina. "Where are you going ?" ask Karina. Ningning turn around to look at her older sister in the eye. "I'm going to find the book" answer Ningning, simple.

Her sisters look at each in confusion. They don't know what Ningning talking about. "What book ?" ask Giselle. If Ningning want to find the book, she must know what kind of book she been looking for.

Ningning try to remember again. "I don't know what kind of book is that but..." There was a pause. They waiting paitently for her to continue. "I remember how the book look like" tell Ningning.

Now they curious at how the book look like. "What they look like ?" ask Giselle again. Ningning take a deep breath. She hope what she see was true. "The book doesn't have any title. It blank book with black cover" explain Ningning.

Winter remember something, immediately take out the book she found inside the small library. "You mean this book ?" say Winter, showing the book to Ningning.

Ningning were surprise to see the book. It's real, the book is real. With this, they can finally escape from this house. "Yes! Yes! That book. My goodness. We gonna escape from this house" tell Ningning in excitement.

They were so happy to hear that. Ningning take the book from Winter to look inside the page. But she went flip open the page, she see nothing. Nothing written on the page. It's all blank.

"What ?!"

Ningning drop the book to the ground. She was speechless with what she see inside the book. "What happen ?" ask Winter. Karina take the book and look at it. "Why it is blank ?" ask Karina.

Ningning don't know what to say. She believe this is the same book she saw in her dream. If this the right book then why it is blank ? How they gonna escape if there no spell written inside the book.

"Maybe, Dami can help you guys with that"

They look at where the voice come. It was Gahyeon, sitting opposite of them. "Did you forget that i'm still here ?" ask Gahyeon. They shook their head.

Gahyeon walk toward them, take the book from Karina and look at it by herself. "I bet there must be something written on it but you can't see it" tell Gahyeon, still looking at the book.

"How did you know ?" ask Karina. Gahyeon shrug her shoulder. "I don't know. I'm just guessing" answer Gahyeon, innocently.

Now, their only chance were gone. They don't know what to do anymore. It was like, with those book, they finally get their life back but it seems like they will trap here forever.

Gahyeon close the book. "Don't give up. There still hope. I believe that you will escape from here" cheer Gahyeon. There a small smile on their face. "I ask Dami to help you guys, okay ?" They nod their head.

Gahyeon keep the book close to her so the book won't went missing. She believe Dami can help them because Dami really good at something like this. "Go back to sleep. You need to rest" say Gahyeon.

They all agree and went back to sleep. For Ningning, she can't fall asleep. She still remember about her previously dream and it scare her. "I know it just a dream, still it seems real to me" tell Ningning to herself.

She look around to see all her siblings already in their own dreamland. She let out a sigh. "I need to go to sleep" say Ningning to herself.

She close her eyes, try to fall asleep. Soon she drift off into dreamland.

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