Chapter 8

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Her eyes are been closed with blindfold, her hands are been hold by someone. She has no idea what is going on. All she know is this person tell her, they got something to show her.

"Where we going ?" ask her to her friend. All she hear is her friend laughing at each other. Soon, they stop walking. "Are you ready ?" She nod her head. She really curious with her friends surprise.

Few second later, someone take off her blindfold. She just adjust her eyes and surprise to see what infront of her. It's her birthday party. "Surprise!"

She almost cry. The tears in her eyes almost fall. Her friends gather and give her a warm hug. She couldn't help but to cry. She really touch with all the affection her friends give to her. "Thank you everyone" is all she can say between her sob.

They not her real siblings but they act like one since they really close with each other. Everyday, they always spent times together even for a moment. They talk about how's their day, what they doing and more. Even if when they were busy, they always find a way to keep contact with each other. With that, no one will be forgotten.

Those memory really make her sad. She miss her friends so much. Seeing how close Winter and Ningning really hurt her alot. She sit on the swings by herself, tears threat to fall. "I wish this never been happen."

Winter peek her head inside the room to see if her older sister was at inside or not. When she see her older sister at inside, she walk in the room and close the door. "Hey my imaginary friend. Are you there ?" greet Winter.

There a silence inside the room. She waiting her imaginary friend to show up even she know she can't see it. "Hey ? Hello ?" Winter try to call her imaginary friend again but she got no answer from it.

It's been a minutes, she didn't feel it presence. She thought she never hear her imaginary friend when she see there something at the curtain. "What is that ?"

She getting closer to the curtain and see there someone sitting at the window. She has no idea where this person get inside. "Looking for me ?" say that person.

She is surprise by the sudden question from that person. She take a look and realise the person sitting at the window is a girl. "Are you my imaginary friend ?" ask Winter, curious. She really want to know who is this person.

"Yes i am." answer the girl without looking at her. Winter can't see her face since the girl is facing at the window. Her hair is long and her wearing long white blose.

She sigh in relief. She thought she see a ghost. It doesn't make sense to her to see a ghost on daylight. She take on sit on the bed and try to figure what her imaginary friend looks like.

She in her deep thought that she didn't realise she's been staring at her imaginary friend for too long. "Why are you looking for me ?" ask her. She clear her throat while playing with her hands. "I just want to talk with you. If you don't mind." answer Winter caution.

She can see her face lit up. There a smile on her face. "Sure." And suddenly she got shy. She don't why she feel this way but she really curious with her imaginary friend. She want know her all about her. "Why i can't remember her ? It is because we didn't spend time together for a long time." thought Winter to herself.

The girl still waiting for Winter to start the conversation. She know what's inside her mind yet she choose to keep to herself. She want Winter to ask by herself and she try her best to answer all her question.

Meanwhile, Winter still thinking what kind conversation she want with her imaginary friend. She want to ask some question but she afraid that her question might hurt her. "I just a question. It's not your fault if you forgot" thought Winter to herself.

"Can I know your name ?" ask Winter carefully. She know this is stupid question but she want to know, more to she want to remember. No answer. "I'm sorry."

Suddenly Winter hear a laugh. Her face got red and she try to hide it with a pillow. "Oh boy, that's the first thing on your mind ?" the girl still laughing. Winter just laugh nervously. She still waiting for her answer.

"Well, my name is Emma."

"Emma ? Why Emma ?"

"How should I know ? You the one who give me this name."

"Really ? It's me ? Emma ? It is Emma Watsons ?"

"Yeah i guess. You like her and you watch too much movie."

"Shut up, she's pretty."

This time, her imaginary friend laugh aloud. She find it funny to name someone after your celebrity crush. Winter can feel heat on her cheek. She take a pillow at throw at Emma but it miss. "You know you can hit me, right ?"

Winter just groan. She know she can't harm her. Emma is not real. It just her imaginary friend. Think about it, Winter find it funny to name imaginary friend after celebrity crush. "Sorry about the name. I can't think anything else that time." Winter apologise. She look shy and her face still red.

Winter keep asking her alot of question. Even she can't remember who is she, Winter still want to get to know her again. She hope she will get her memory back.

Meanwhile, at outside the room, Ningning standing behind the door, eavesdroping. She hear Winter talking with someone but she didn't hear the other person voice. It make her scare. "Is Winter talk to herself or she talk with "something" thought Ningning.

She walk back and run inside her room. She too scare to approach Winter. She might see something she shouldn't see in the first place. She hope her sisters will back soon. She really want to tell this to them.

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