Chapter 73 - Demons and Unseens

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Chapter 73

Sam and Dean

The Mayor and his henchmen escorted Sam and Dean to the edge of the wilderness. There wasn't much of a path through the trees, as most likely very few people ever passed by this way. "Assholes," said Dean, once they were out of earshot.

Sam chuckled. "Yeah, and pretty stupid too."

"I feel sorry for those townspeople, you know?" said Dean. "Look how they're living. I mean it's primitive even for this place. That Mayor runs the whole damn thing."

"Yeah, I hear you," said Sam. "But there's nothing we can do about it."

Dean brooded for a while as they walked. Sam stayed quiet, because he knew his brother well enough to know that it was best to just let him work it out on his own. But then his heightened senses due to Maria's awareness training made him become aware of something, and he began paying deliberate attention to their surroundings.

"Dean," he whispered softly. "Don't react, just keep walking. I think we're being followed."

"What do you think it is?

"Not a monster, it's keeping pace with us more like a man would."

"I doubt it would be one of those villagers," Dean whispered.

"I agree, just keep walking. You pick up on it yet?"

"Yeah, it's keeping pace about 50 feet or so behind us to the right."

"That's it," said Sam. "Gotta love Maria."

"And I do. There's a fallen log, let's take a rest and see what happens," whispered Dean. He sat down on the log and said in a normal voice, "God my feet are killing me."

"Yeah," said Sam, "Mine too. And we have no idea how far we need to go, or if we're even going in the right direction."

"He stopped too," Sam whispered.

"That's not an animal or a monster," whispered Dean. "I don't like this."

As they were getting up to resume their journey they heard a louder rustling of leaves and an elf with a reddish tint to his skin approached them timidly. "Don't be frightened," he said with his hands up. "I've come to help you."

"Who are you," Dean demanded.

"My name is Loo. I'm a member of the underground resistance. I've come to help you find your way."

Sam and Dean exchanged suspicious glances. "How do you know who we are?" asked Dean.

"We have our sources," said Loo. "Trust me, we want you to do what you need to. We have pledged to help and right now you need guidance. I can help with that. You are headed slightly farther south than you should be."

"Is that so?" asked Dean. "And how do we know we can trust you?" he added.

"Would I tell you of the resistance if I weren't a part of it?" Loo asked them reasonably.

Sam and Dean looked at each other again, sending significant signals. Sam swiftly pulled out his dagger, and in one swift move he backed Loo up against a tree and had the dagger to his throat. "We don't believe you," he said threateningly. "Who are you really, and what do you want with us?" he asked, his face contorted with anger.

"I told you, I'm from the resistance, sent here to help you," Loo persisted.

"That's not true!" said Sam menacingly." Sam cut a shallow slice on his neck a little bit to show they meant business, and to his surprise the cut healed immediately. "Who are you?" Sam asked more menacingly. By that time Dean had his Angel blade drawn as well.

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