🌸 04||Mia🌸

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Its been over a week since I spoke to my dad and today is first time in two years that I am meeting my parents. I am excited but at the same time nervous too!

"Ari! Ariiii! Come here I need your help!" I call out to her from my room.

"Coming!" I hear her call back from the hall were she's been sitting for the past two hours staring at her screen brainstorming for ideas for her next video.
She comes into my room after a few minutes.

"Why aren't you ready yet? Aren't you meeting your parents in an hour?" She asks me with a frown on her face.

"That's exactly why I called you here" I reply
She looks at me confused.
" I need your help selecting an outfit that would suit the occasion!" I say trying to clear her confusion.

"Oh! At your service my lady!" She says giving me her biggest smile. She walks towards my closet and opens it. She stands in front of it for a few minutes in deep thought and then closes it while shaking her head.

"Eh! What do you mean by that?" I ask confused

"Wait right here, I'll be right back!" Saying that she runs out of my room

"Where are you going?" I shout behind her "Looks like she got an idea for her video" I think and sigh as I walk towards my closet and opening it again.
"Arrrghhh! I have nothing to wear!" I shout

"You do now!"I hear Ari say as she walks into my room with a cute beige crop sweatshirt and a pair of black heeled pointed boots.

I eye the clothes "How on Earth am I only going to wear a sweatshirt and boots? I am going to meet my parents not on a date?!" I say half shouting

"No silly, wear it with this!" She says pulling out one of my denim skinny jeans from my closet" By the way why would you wear only a crop top even if you were going on a date??"She asks me while laughing.

" No no.. I didn't see it properly! I thought it was a sweater dress!" I say trying to cover my mistake "Isn't that too casual?" I ask her confounded

"Umm I think its perfect! You are going to meet your parents not for a business meeting!" She says confidently
" If you don't want to wear it then-" I don't let her finish her sentence and grab the clothes from her hand before running into bathroom with them.

"Isn't it too casual" I say checking myself out in front the mirror.
She turns to look and me, "Nope! I think its perfect!.. Don't stress too much you look amazing and they are your parents they won't eat you up!" She says

"I know they are only my parents but I am still nervous you know!" I say turning to face her.

She beckons me to come and sit next to her,I do the same.
"Don't worry M, everything will go well! Just don't stress too much." She says with a warm smile on her face.

"Okiee!" I say letting out a sigh "I'll leave now then, they might have already arrived!" I say getting up and walking towards the main door.
She follows me " Where are you going to meet them?" She asks.
"At the Café" I say while taking the car keys from the key holder and turning to hug her before I leave.

"All the best,M" she says giving my hand a tight squeeze

" I really need that!" I say giving her a smile.
With that I walk out of the house , get into the car and drive out of the driveway waving one last time to Ari.

Ari's POV

I wait at the main door till Mia leaves and walk back into the living room thinking " Hope everything goes well, poor thing was so nervous". I sit down on the couch and go back to breaking my head on ideas for my next video.

Finally after a few hours I give up and post on my Community page and Instagram asking for ideas for my next videos from my subscribers. A number of suggestions pop up filling up the comments section and my inbox. I read through the comments liking and jotting down the ones that I could try. Out of all the comments the most common one was "Face reveal".

I am kinda confused on whether to give them a face reveal or just post another fanfic video promising them a face reveal in the future.

I was deep in thought when the doorbell rang, I run to the front door and open it revealing Mia who envelopes in tight hug which catches me off guard and makes me stumble backwards.

"Woah! Woah! Mia shi, what's up with the excitement? " I say breaking the hug.

"It went soooo well! We spoke so much...today is the day I realized how much I missed having them in my life!" She says dancing her way into the living room.

"That's great news!" I say excited for her. "Are you guys gonna meet again anytime soon?" I ask settling down in front of my screen as she walks into the kitchen.

"Ya! I invited them over for lunch next week."She says from the kitchen.

"That's nice,what will you be cooking them?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Why will I cook? You will be the one cooking not me!" She says nonchalantly.

"What the hell??!! I am not cooking " I shout walking into the kitchen.

"Is there something to eat?" She asks totally ignoring my statement.
" Did you hear me? I said I am not cooking!"I say handing her bag of crisps from the shelf.

She doesn't answer and all it does is looks at me with her puppy eyes which melts me.

"Ahhh why mee!!" I say stomping out of the kitchen, she just follows me into the hall and plops down next to me on couch.

"Thanks" she says smiling at me " Anyways forget that, did you get an idea for you next video?" She asks.

"Nay! Not one" I say disappointed, "I asked my subs and the most common one was face reveal!"I say expecting her to shut out the idea instantly.

" I think you should do it" she says eyeing me from the top of the bag of chips.

"Are you sure I should do it?" I say, unsurety evident in my voice.

"I think you should! I feel your ready for it!" She says confidently.

"OK I'll think about it" I say letting out a deep sigh.
She smiles at me and starts saying something ,I don't hear her cause there's only one thought roaming in my mind!

"Should I do it? Am I ready for it?"

Yikes! I am sorry but I had to end it here!
Do you think she'll do it?! Comment down whether you think she will or not!
Anyways don't forget to checkout the video on top(idk what to call that lol).
And also people don't be silent readers! Comment your vies down here and also tell me if I messed up somewhere or something that I could change! I really love reading your comments and will try to answer to all of them!

Anyways tata, bye bye
See you in the next chapter
Until next time
Loads of love

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