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I woke up to my phone ringing continously, " Ahh, who dare disturb me during my nap?" I say as I look at the caller ID on my phone.

"Why is Mia calling me when she can just come and talk to me?" I think to myself as I look at my screen confused and lift the call.

"What is it Mia? Can't you just come here and tell me what you have to say?" I ask in a groggy voice.

"No I can't! I am lazy!"

"Why did you call? ,you lazy creature!"

"To ask when you'll be doing your live!"

"Did you seriously call me for that?" You destroyed my beautiful sleep!"I say fake crying

"Yes I called you for that, now tell me when you're going to do it!"

"I will do it whenever I want to, what does it have to do with you?" I say in an irritated tone.

"You can't do it whenever you want to!"

"Eh! Why? It's my live I'll do it whenever, I can also cancel it, who are you to tell me?"

"Check your YouTube community page comments, you'll know exactly why I am asking you! "

With that she hangs up, "What the hell is she talking about can't she be direct for once, aaa I want to sleep!" I say as I force myself to sit up, and check my community page as Mia told me to.

I open my page just to see that my so called "Face Reveal" post was being spammed with comments, there were around 180 comments just asking me when I was going to do the live.

"Why are these people so interested in seeing this ugly face of mine " I say to myself as I scroll through the comments trying to find one different comment other than " Eonni when are you going to do the face reveal?" or " Eonni I can't wait to see how beautiful you look, do the face reveal soon!".

As I am scrolling I suddenly hear someone shout loudly near my ear, it catches me off guard making me jerk back just to hit the back of my head to the headboard.
"AHHHHHHHHH ,that hurt" I shout turning to look at the culprit who gave me a bump on my head, as expected i see Mia rolling on the floor laughing.

"What the hell Mia! You seriously scared the wits out of me!" I say rubbing the back of my head as it hurt badly.

" I am so sorry, but your reaction was too funny!" She says still laughing.

"When did you come?"I ask her," I didn't even notice you!"

"Oh! I came when you were calling yourself ugly!" She says giving me a sly smile, " Anyways now do you understand why I asked you when you'll be doing the live?!"

Letting out a sigh I nod , " So,When will you be doing it?" She asks stressing on each word.

"Umm, I guess I'll do it tomorrow evening!" I say with unsurety evident in my voice.

"Tomorrow?? Why not today?" She questions .

"Firstly, because I am tried due to the lunch date we had with your parents in the afternoon and secondly I want to SLEEP, so I will do it tomorrow with a fresh mind" I say as I lay down on my bed covering myself with the duvet.

"Oh, okieee! Atleast tell them you'll do it tomorrow!" She says as she lays down next to me.

"No! Let the anticipation build" I say closing my eyes, " And may I know why you are lying down here instead of in your room?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

" Firstly because I am lazy to go back to my room and secondly because I .Am. lazy .to. go .back. to. my. room." She says making me chuckle.


Jungkook POV

After a long day of practice we reach home. All seven of us throw ourselves on the couch in the living room as our exhausted bodies cannot take the any more movement.

Ahhh, My legs hurt" I hear Jimin hyung complaining.

" I know right, mine hurt too! That dumb instructor overworked us to today!" Tae hyung says massaging his hands and legs.

All of us just 'hmm' in response to what he says as we barely have any energy to respond to what he said in words.It's true!that instructor did overwork us ,he did not even give us a 10min break and made us practice four songs with heavy choreography in a row.

"By the way guys there' good news" I hear Namjoon hyung say.

"Good new?!What is it?" Six of us say in unison turning to look at hyung.

"Our new song ,PTD, has been ranked No.1 on the Billboard charts!" He says with a wide smile.

Listening to that energy rushes into our bodies and we immediately start thanking ARMY for making our song reach to such great heights.

" I am off for a nap!" I say as I get up after thanking ARMY and drag my exhausted self into my room.

I try my best to fall asleep but I can't because there's one thing bothering me, "WHEN IS SHE GOING TO DO THE LIVE???!!!"

I open YouTube and go to her page, she hasn't replied to any of the comments asking when she's going to go live.

"Why is this bothering me so much?,Why do I want to know how she looks?,Her fanfics are great and that's all should matter right?Am falling for someone who I don't know?Aish Jungkook don't be silly you just really like her fanfics and want to know the face behind such amazing fanfics! That's it, and nothing else, don't think too much paboya!, But what if I am falling for an unknown face?Shut up you silly brain, you are overthinking, Jungkook you are just tired from practice and sleepy so don't think too much and sleep, How on Earth can I sleep with so many thoughts?" With all these thoughts and theories in my head I fall into an deep deep slumber.

So ya this it for this chapter! I know its short and not that great, but bare with me for sometime.
Do you think Jungkook is falling for Ara without evening knowing her or is he just overthinking cause he likes her fanfics about them?
Comment your theories on this chapter down below, would love to read them!

Ok guys bye for now
Until next chapter,
Loads of love❤,

~Author 💜

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