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" Nine more hours! " Mia sang .

She sounds more excited for my birthday then I do!

Yesterday's shopping was tiresome, my legs hurt due to the continuous walking from store to store to find the perfect dress, but the trouble was worth it! I found the perfect dress. It's a plain black dress with thin straps , sweetheart neckline and a knee length slit, simple but elegant. I fell in love with the dress the minute I saw it, but what baffles me was the fact that Mia kept asking me to choose a lighter coloured dress and mumbling to her self ,"This won't show!", what won't show? Isn't black always the best option, it's elegant, pretty and perfect! How many times have I used the word 'perfect', there i used it again, Holy moly! I'm im love with that word!

"Four more hours!" I hear her say again

"Can you stop counting down ,please!, what's making you so excited for my birthday? I say stressing on the last two words.

"You'll know in four hours!" She sings.

Four hours? What's she planning?

"What is in four hours?" I shout bewildered.

"Your birthday! " She says her voice coming out in a cute in a cute squeak.

"I know its my birthday! But what-" I stop midway cause I realize she wasn't going to give a straight answer and decided to wait for the so called surprise.

Another three hours passed and there she standing in my room trying to get me to get up and get ready.

"Mia there's another hour!" I say rolling on my bed.

" I know but it will take us an hour to reach the place!" She says pulling me by my legs and onto the floor.

"Place?!" Before I can say anything else she picks up the dress that I bought for the occasion and throws at my face indirectly asking me to get changed.

" Aaaa! Wae?" I whine as I get up to get changed.

"You'll know in an hour!" She says walking out of my room.

In an hour!?


"Where are we?" I ask looking around.

"You'll know in a few minutes!" She says turning around to give me a smile before walking away leaving me alone in the company of darkness and cold of the extremely big place which to the sight of it looked like a park.

Must be a private park.

"Where the hell did this girl go?" I say checking the time, it was nearing twelve.

All of a sudden the place lit up, blinking my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness I look around to see the park's trees decorated with colorful decorative lights, from those hung very pretty paper decorations and small pompoms. There was table not very far away from me which probably was for my cake( its obvious that I am going to have cake, its my birthday after all!).

Wow! Did she do all this by herself?

At a distance I could hear someone singing 'Happy Birthday' and after a few minutes the voice sorry voices started coming closer, I could here them distinctly now. Standing there I just waited for them to reach me.

The minute they came into the lighted section of the park my heart skipped a beat at the sight of them.

You kidding, it can't be! It's just too good to be true!

Six boys approached me with big smiles, I stood there stunned not able to move.
I felt someone tap on my shoulder, spinning around to see Mia smiling brightly at me.

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