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"I thought you said you are a noob!" I say putting down my controller.

" Correction, I was a noob, not now. " she says, doing the same and smiles at me.

Ahh !! that smile has my heart. 

"Are you sure that you've never played this game in your life until today!" I say.

"Never" she responds.

"Wah! You've become an ace at it after playing thrice?!" I say perplexed. 

"I'm a fast learner. " she says pointing her index finger at me.

When will you learn about my feelings for you?

"Kook! You're staring. Is there something on my face?" She says.

Yes! Beauty!

"I wasn't staring and there's nothing on your face, don't get so conscious Ari, you should get used to people staring at you. '' I say and mumble the last few words to myself.

" Fine! But I'm hungry!" She says slightly pouting.

Don't do that you fool, don't pout !!

I immediately get up and make my way to the kitchen without another word. I know that, if I had stayed any longer I would have done something I would regret my entire life.

We have been hanging out ever since she's been back from the hospital, either at her place or mine because we do not want to be on the headlines of the news with statements like 'Is Jungkook dating? Who is this girl?" Blah blah blah.

These two weeks have been amazing, I feel like I am falling for her harder and faster every day. I really wish she feels the same.

 I simply don't understand why she can't see how much I like her when everyone else can, Mia herself asked me the other day.

Did she tell her ? 

Still thinking, I grab a bag of nachos that were lying on the countertop and make my way back to my room. I entered my room only to realize that she wasn't there.

Where did she go?

"Kook! I am here, in the living room. " I hear her call from outside.

"Coming!" I yell back and go into the living room,where she's sitting with the other's chatting away in all her glory.

I was standing there admiring her and taking in every detail, when I felt someone whisper in my ear breaking me out of my reverie. 

'You are so whipped man !'.

I am, who wouldn't be?!

I walk towards her, hand her the nachos and sit opposite her next to Jimin hyung.

"You are making it obvious! " he whispers in my ear.

"Am I?" I whisper back.

"Yup! Why don't you tell her?" He asks.

"I am scared I'll lose her if I tell her" I say, flinching at the word lose.

"Tell her before another man claims her and you actually lose her forever" He says.

He's right! But how?

"Let's play a game of twenty one truths, you guys up for it?!" Jimin hyung says.

"Okay!" All of us say in unison. 

"Jungkook you go first!" He says.

"Okie! 1,2,3" I say.

It goes around

"19,20" Namjoonie hyung says and smirks at Ara.

" Get on with the questions, people !! '' she says unbothered.

"This is your chance!" I hear Jimin hyung whisper in my ear.

"Do you have a crush?" I ask the first question that comes to my mind.

"Yes!" She answers without hesitating.

"Does he know?" I ask again.

"Nope! He doesn't, I don't think he likes me back though" she says.

I rejoice inside, I know I shouldn't be rejoicing but this means I have a chance with her!

She starts counting and this time it lands on me.

"Do you have a crush?" She asks me, looking straight through my soul.

"Yup!" I say.

" What's her name?" She asks, smirking.

I didn't see this coming. Oh darn, what do I answer?

"Probably IU" Tae hyung says.

Should I go with that answer?

"Is it true?" she asks.

I just nod in response.

"Okay!" she says and excuses herself to use the restroom.

"Why the hell did you say that?" Jimin hyung shouts at Tae hyung after Ari's out of earshot.

"I was trying to save him from an awkward conversation!" Tae hyung retorts.

"This was his only chance to confess you fool, now she thinks he likes IU, therefore making it harder for him to tell her how he feels,'' Jimin hyung says.

"What do I do now?" I ask him.

"Shh! Guys she's coming" we hear Hobi hyung say

 We change the topic and act as if nothing has happened, therefore leaving me without an answer to my question. 

What do I do?

"Wanna play another round people?" Jimin hyung asks.

"I think I'll pass, anyway I have to get going!" Ara says,picking up her belongings from were she left them.

"Why so early?" Namjoonie hyung says.

"I have a video to edit and post, which will take time, " she says.

"OK, it's upto you if you want to stay or leave, ''he says.

"I'll get going then, Bye guys !! " she says, waving at all of us and walking towards the main door.

"Want a ride?" I ask.

"Nah it's okay! I'll manage." She says while booking a cab for herself.

I can sense something is wrong, but what?
Is she mad at me for some reason?

What happened to Ara? Why did she just leave??

Ik this chapter is pretty short....but please bare with me as I have exams coming up....I am pretty much multitasking!🙃

Another chapter is coming up soon!
Hope you liked this one!!

Another chapter is coming up soon!Hope you liked this one!!

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Until next time
Loads of love❤


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