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"aAw he's so cute, he's just so adorable , why can't he be mine?" I say caressing the picture the other side of my screen.

Why is he so adorable? His voice is as sweet as honey.The way smiles and talks makes my heart flutter. When he licks his lips my knees become weak. I have butterflies in my stomach every time I'm next to him. Do I like him? Or am I falling in love?

Ah no, this can't be happening what if get my heart broken again. It already happened once and it was very hard to get over the painful heartbreak. What if the same thing happens? I can't take the risk.

"I'm sorry love" I say caressing the picture, I can't take the risk. I might break my heart and yours. Please understand."

"Who are you talking to?"

I look up to see Ara standing in front of , I try to turn off my phone so that she does see the picture but then she being faster pulls the phone out of my hand.

"Ooo, look whose simping now!" She says.
I don't reply.

"What's wrong Mia? I'm sure he like you back" She says her face turning serious and concerned.

"It's not that Ara, it's just-" I say, tears brimming up in my eyes.

"Hey what happened? Did he say anything to you, I'll kill him! Who dare hurt my best friend" She says and side hugs me.

"Chill he didn't say anything, it's-" I say, my voice cracking.

I look down so that she doesn't see me cry.

"Are you still not over that?" She asks, kneeling down in front of me and taking my hands in hers.

I nod in reply as tears start making there way down my face.

"Didn't you say you were over it? Didn't you say you wanted to start all fresh? Isn't that why we left Martial Arts and joined Business studies? " She asks, wiping the tears off my face.

"Yes I thought I was over it, it really felt like I was getting over it but yesterday I came across those pictures we took together, we were so happy, he was smiling and laughing, telling us jokes right before the incident happened. I wish I knew what was going to happen, I would never have had pushed him into signing up and encouraged him to take part. It's all my fault Ara, all my fault " I say in between breaths.

"It's not your fault babe, you didn't know any of it was going to happen, none of us did! Please don't call that your fault " She says hugging me.


"Calm down Mia, please, you are over thinking, this is not good for you, Please" She cries, caressing my back.

"I can't, it's all my fault " I say.

I feel a sudden pain in my chest, my breath becomes short , my sight becomes blurry and I start feeling faint.

"Mia why are you sweating?" Ara says, concern evident in her voice.

"Ari I can't breath, I feel like I'm going to faint" I say, holding on to her hands as I slip into a deep dark void.

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