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"So you are saying that Ji Hoo, Ara and you were inseperable best friends in the Martial arts Academy and Ji Hoo died  due to an accident in the ring.Also you blame yourself for his death because you asked him to take part.Thats also the reason to why you left Martial Arts and joined business school" Jimin asks wide eyed.

Ara and I nod to his summary.

"Everything's right but Ji Hoo was not my best friend but my boyfriend " I say, tears filling up in my eyes, threatening to come out.

He was at a loss of words after listening to the story.
Ara tried  making the gloomy atmosphere better but for the first time it didn't work.
His memories flashed in front of my eyes the minute I closed them to control myself from crying.

The one memory that kept haunting me was the day he died, when I saw him fall to his knees in the ring, bruised,coughing up blood and complaining to be out of breath. The next moment in the blink of an eye he was lying limp in the ring. His pretty face had turned pale like as if a vampire had sucked all the blood out of his body.
His golden brown hair matted with his own blood.
My entire world had crashed in front of me. That was when I realized that I would never be able to see his glowing smile, feel his warm hugs and have extremely long nonsensical talks with him anymore.

A shiver ran down my spine at the memory and tears made their way down my face without my permission.

"M are you cold, want me make you something hot to drink?" Ara asks.

"No I-I'm f-fine" I reply, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Guys how about we go to my place?" Jimin says, changing the topic.

"You guys go, I'll stay back" I say, still hanging my head low, wiping the tears with the back of my hand.

"Nope, you're coming with us" He says, almost dragging me out along with him.

"Yah, atleast let me change into something presentable" I shout.

Ara chuckles and walks out to her room probably to get  ready leaving the both of us alone in the room.
Once we were alone the tension around us rose, I yanked my hand from his grip and ran into the bathroom grabbing the first outfit I found in my shelf. While doing that I heard him chuckle behind me and he sounded just like Ji Hoo.

"Ahhhh" I shout,  for the connection I just made.

"Mia what's wrong, did you hurt yourself?" I hear Jimin outside, I sense that he was concerned.

"Nothing, nothing I'm fine" I say smiling to myself.

I should stop thinking and connecting everything to Ji hoo. It won't be easy but I have to get over him. If I keep connecting everything that Jimin does to him then if I ever get together with Jimin, I'll want to be with him because he's like Ji Hoo and not because he's Jimin.

"Mia how long?" Ara calls from outside.

"Coming, almost done" I shout from inside.

Making myself the promise that I'll move on from Ji Hoo, I get out of the bathroom and make my way to the front room where Ara and Jimin were waiting.


We reach the dorm and by the look of it ,it looked like the six of them were getting ready for something. Their were fully packed suitcases being loaded into the cars.

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