Chapter 2

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.....I have nothing just enjoy!

Ruvyzvat's P.O.V

Staying here would be dangerous not just for me but for that Nun as well. It's only a matter of time before they find this place and bring trouble. As I was roaming around the Church and saw that Nun outside.

Seems like she's having trouble with those three kids. "No one will ever come close to your Church you freak!" I heard them say and picked up some pebbles off the ground, throwing them on the church's windows while some of them hit her on the head. Then started running away giggling and saying she was a weirdo and whatnot. To which she was mad. "Your actions have consequences and you won't be ready for it you'll see!!!" She shouted at them.

Even though it's none of my business it pissed me off seeing them doing this kind of thing to this place and her. Such actions can't go without punishment, they mess with the church at the wrong time.

Staying outside the back of the Church clutching a slingshot and three pebbles juggling them in my right hand, I saw those runts earlier this morning a few minutes later.

I pointed at one of them. "Annoying pest!"I said as I shot one of them in the leg making the kid cry in agony while his friends panic. They tried dragging their friend but unfortunately, the kid I shot was chunky which gave them a hard time. I'll make you regret ever coming to this place.

"One." I repositioned myself and aimed again this time with two pebbles and shot both of the remaining. "Three." Hitting one of them on the leg and the other on the back of the neck. I eventually went back inside the church after a few minutes of watching those annoying kids crawl toward their bikes where I had popped the tires secretly. That should teach me not to mess around with this place anymore.

As I was passing by the long hallway I saw that Nun was on a small staircase hugging her knees with her head buried in between her arms.

I stopped by and looked at her in silence until she lifted her head, she must have noticed the sudden loss of sunlight and looked me in the eyes. She looked like she had been crying for minutes or so.

She's crying because of those kids calling her a weirdo? I was called way worse names than that and I didn't even cry, it only made me stronger than before. To think she can be bitch in front of me, but cry whenever kids make fun of her.

"What? Here to make fun of me too?" She said with every bit of dignity she had left. Just seeing her in this state makes me pity her in some way. I don't even know why this emotion surging within me, but it gives me a heavy feeling.

I didn't notice that my right hand reached out and wiped away her tears. "Crying doesn't suit you Shawty..." I said, absent-mindedly there was an awkward silence that came after. By the looks of it, she looked like she was about to explode when her face turned red.

I said those words, and that's when I realized that I just did all those things without thinking. I remove my hand from her face and walk away slowly. Maybe I took it too far, way farther than intended.

Sarvente's P.O.V

All I wanted was to help them and guide them to a better life...why do they have to treat me so harshly? Why does everyone cast me away after they used me?

I took a sit on the staircase cuddling pressing my legs up close to my chest. "It's not fair, what did I do wrong this time?" I asked myself as I couldn't help but start sobbing at the thought that they became this way because of me.

It was never my intention to do the things I did in the past. I was only following orders for me to survive. I didn't want to be a monster, I didn't ask to be made this way.

I buried my head in my arms at the thought of being a monster in people's eyes. "Someone please save me..." I whimpered as tears started to flow down my face.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps closing in, but I ignored them and kept my head low. Must be the guy I took in yesterday.

I felt him stop and stand in front of me. I looked up, and my gaze met his. He looks at me with a bit of a soft expression on his face, but it's hard to tell with him lacking facial expressions other than being mad.

"What? Here to make fun of me too?" I said as I raised one brow at him, he just looked at me silently and crouched down cupping one side of my cheek.

Wait a minute what?!

I stared at him in surprise at the sudden action he just committed. "Crying doesn't suit you Shawty..." He said as he wiped away my tears with his thumb.

Just like that he removes his hand and walks away as if nothing had happened.

I watch him take a turn from the right to the next hallway and vanish leaving me on my own devices again. I'm still dazed by what just happened that I was barely able to talk straight.

I finally found my voice again. "Shawty? I can't help but feel nostalgic upon hearing that word..." I mumbled to myself as I stood. "Nevertheless it made me happy to hear it. I wonder who used to call me that back then?" I said, making myself smile at the thought. Maybe he's not that bad after all.

~ Time 5 pm ~

making dinner, humming a favorite tune that's in my head, and overall relaxing when I notice a moth coming closer to me. Yes, I hate moths, and for good reasons. I always have this feeling that they are evil spirits and would hunt me in my sleep if not hurt me physically! "Kyaa!" I screamed, nearly swatting the frying pan.

I backed away as it got closer and tripped on my shoe. I was expecting to hit the cold floor but instead of that, I landed on something else.

"You're such a klutz."

Great, it had to be him.

"I would rather hit the floor than let someone like you break my fall!" I said as I stood and balanced myself restoring my posture.

"I should have let you fall then, a woman who can't even appreciate a small help! What a waste of time." He started back as he crossed his arms.

"No one asked you MISTER NO ONE!" I yelled emphasizing the last words.

"Name's Ruv woman!" He yelled back and put his right hand on top of my head which hurt a bit cause put it with a bit of force. "And I'd appreciate it if you call me by my name from now on." He added.

My brows twitched in irritation as I swatted his hand away grabbed him by the collar and pulled him a bit down, now he was on my level. I had to tiptoe to grab his collar. Seriously why does he have to be so tall? "You listen deadweight! I'm not taking fucking orders from you! If you want me to respect you stop acting like you your someone who's on top of everyone else!" I said, letting go of his collar and walking back to cooking food.

I heard him swear under his breath and walk away. The audacity of this guy! After I've let him stay, he repays me by saying those words like I'm some cheap maid! Ha! If only he knew who his dealing with!

After a few minutes, I was finally done cooking up scrambled eggs on the plate, I thought of inviting the guy who recently rudely named himself Ruv. I was hesitant but later decided to take his food to his room.

I knocked on the door a few times and waited for a few seconds until the door finally opened slowly revealing Ruv shirtless with a bandage on his abdomen. "What?" His voice snapped me back to reality and I quickly looked away handing him his food. "H-here, eat..." I said can't help but stutter.

I mean how can I not stutter? The guy in front of me is shirtless not to mention a fit one.

I can't help but glance a little and see him hesitating to take it. Honestly, it hurt me a bit by the reaction but chose to keep quiet. After a few seconds, he took it and slowly closed the door but before he closed it completely he said something under his breath that I couldn't quite make out and then closed the door.

"Seriously this guy's head is an enigma. I don't know what's going on in his mind. I can't understand him at all." I mumbled to myself and sighed as I headed towards the kitchen and finished my meal then went to sleep.

What a troublesome day

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