Chapter 11

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So, I am back for another chapter for you guys to enjoy...Welp, enjoy!

Ruvysvat P.O.V

It is hard to believe that I've been staying here for a month now. I would usually stay in the same place for just three days or a week and then leave. The thought of leaving this place is slowly vanishing from my head, though it troubles me.

They'll find me sooner or later and when they do someone else's head will be chopped off in my place again.

Just then someone knocked on the door three times. "Hey, Ruv? Do you mind helping me clean some spots in the garden?" I got off the bed, opened the door, and there stood the Nun who saved me when I needed help most. "How can I help?" I asked her, she backed away a bit because we were too close like a few inches away from each other. "I still haven't gotten used to your height. Anyways I need help moving some plants so I can make room for a new one." She gestured with her thumb. I followed where she was pointing and saw the garden behind the window. "Easy enough, sure I'll do it."

"Yay! Meet you in the garden, I'll get the pots from the storage room." She said, walking past me while humming happily. I watch her turn to another corner before disappearing from my sight.

I looked around the garden, it has a lot of variety of flowers, I also noticed a big tree across the garden with its branch extending almost half the garden and a small table with four chairs. "That's one really old tree." I walk towards it and touch one of its big roots. It reminds me of Dad and Mom and how we used to lay in the shade of a big tree.

I heard the tapping of heels growing closer. I looked behind me and saw Sarvente holding a garden cart with a few pots on it. "What do you think of the garden? Do you like it?"

"It looks just like a garden..."

"That's not the response I was expecting, Normally you say something nice." She crossed her arms while giving me a look.

"Something nice, there I said it."

"That's not-" she facepalms and took a deep breath. "Let's just start working on the plants, I don't have time to stress about this." She said, picking up one pot and a small shovel from the cart and then handing it over to me which I took from her hands. "You can handle a little gardening right tough guy?" She says, raising a brow at me.

I look at the pot and the small shovel in my hand for a second before responding with a nod. "Cool beans, then I'll leave you to do your own thing while I tidy off a few areas.


After a few minutes, I finished my task and asked Sarv if there was anything else I could do for her. I saw her dusting off some spots on the plant table, I waited for her to finish before tapping her shoulder."Hey, is there anything else that you need help with?" I asked, She turned around holding a pink flower in her hands. "Look it's a peony flower!" She said, admiring the little pink flower in her hands before looking back at me. "Oh, you were asking me something, right?"

"Yeah, is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Oh right, these peonies need to be re-potted so they have more space to grow their roots." She said, She then gave me a slightly bigger pot which I took out of hand. "There is a sack of fresh soil there behind that big tree for you to use. " She pointed behind me, I looked behind my shoulder and then back at her.

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Great! Thank you!" She smiled and gave me the peonies before going back to her business. I turned my heels and headed toward the tree to get the sack of fresh soil.

Sarvente's P.O.V

It's been a month since Ruv got here, he seems to be enjoying his stay so far so that's good. But sometimes I caught him spacing out looking so troubled and it made me feel a bit uneasy, I just shrugged off the thought and continued with my work.

After a few minutes of planting new flowers, I decided to make some snacks for us. "Ruv! What kind of snack do you like to eat?" I asked, he glanced behind his shoulders. "Anything that isn't sweet." He answered back then he stood and walked up to me.

"I'll assist you in any way I can." He added I waved my finger no at him. "I make the snacks while you relax tough guy. I mean dripping wet from your sweat, so why don't you sit here," I grab the chair behind me and offer it to him. "While I make us snacks got it?" I said to him, he was hesitant for a second but eventually gave in and sat on the chair.

"I'll be back in a minute!" I said before going to the kitchen to make some food.

I returned with the snacks to the garden but found out that Ruv wasn't in the chair, instead, he was looking at the big tree. I set the snacks on the small table and walked up behind him.

"You okay?" I asked and waited for his reply. He turned to me. "Da!" He replied. I turn my attention to the tree and admire its beauty.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" I said.

"Yeah, it sure is."

Well, that's it for now guys stay tuned for the next one. Oh, and I'll be adding the back story of Ruv's parents.

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