Chapter 6

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So Uhm I know I haven't been updating this story for like centuries, but I have my reasons and I'm not gonna tell you cuz it might be too depressing or bored you to death so with no further ado, let's get into the story yes? alrighty! >:D

Sarvente's P.O.V

Cooking is one of my hobbies, it's one of the things that keeps my mind off things and loosens up some build-up stress. Cleaning the ingredients and cutting them carefully with precision reminds me of the sisters back then who made delicious treats for me and then let me play outside- My thoughts stop when I remember the things that I did back then. How the other kids used to look at me with disgust and hate.

It made me think twice about my decision. If I stayed In hell, would they be happy? Would they be satisfied that I'm gone? Would their lives be more peaceful without me in them? Whenever I was alone I always got the same thoughts, And the sisters would always be there to cheer me up, even if I was different from the others. They have accepted me regardless of who I am, for which I'm eternally grateful but even so this world. Wherever I go there's always someone who hates me and someone who loves me for who I truly am and for that, I am happy.

Deep in these thoughts made me lose track of time and almost overcooked tonight's dinner. "I hope he would like it." I sighed, just thinking about all the possible ways he would react made me anxious. I mean I haven't made something special in a long time ever since I left the Sisters church years ago. It was always just me in this church that I was mad at, and I would have thought that someone would be staying here for a long period. Well if you call it 5 days long cause to me it's enough, the church feels a bit lively now. But I worry that this feeling of happiness would be gone as soon as it came...Just like how she felt when I was about to leave.

"Sister Anna, why do you love cooking so much?"

She looked at me with a smile and gave me a spoonful of soup which I blew to cool it down and have a sip of it.

"Well? How is it dear?"

"It's really good Sister Anna! Your cooking is the best!" I hugged her so tight and looked up at her with gleaming eyes full of amazement and love for her. She just smiled at me with adoration in her eyes, but somewhere in that bright smile, I saw sorrow and I hated it.

I never liked the word sorrow or anything that makes someone feel that way cause whenever I see someone with that look it makes me feel like a thousand needles are piercing my heart over, and over, and over again. Despite how much I try to take that feeling away from them, from her.

It's always...

"You going make a hole in that pot if you keep staring at it." That's one way of preventing someone from remembering something. I turned around and saw Ruv leaning in the doorway with his arms folded and that usual look on his face. "Gee, thanks for that!" I sarcastically replied then turned my attention back to the pot of solyanka soup, stirring it gently and then taking a sip to test its flavor.

"That should be it," I turn my head back at him, putting both my hands on my hips. "How long were you standing there?" I asked, raising a brow at him and waiting for an answer, he didn't say anything. I watch him approach one of the chairs to take a seat and then stare me in the eyes.

"Do you need something?" I asked, grabbing a big plate for the pirozhki I baked earlier and a bowl for the solyanka soup. "No, I-I'm just Uhm..." He adverted his eyes when I looked at him with a confused look. "I'm, I'm looking forward to tonight's dinner..." He said, scratching the back of his head. The room went silent after those words came out of his mouth, I mean how can I respond to that? My body is overheating from this tension that's building upon this current situation. After a few minutes of awkward silence. "Oh, I- dinner will be ready in a minute! You can wait at the table!" I said, then rushed to get the plates, he slowly stood and walked out of the kitchen.

Ruvyzvat's P.O.V

Being able to talk to someone who is not a threat is just weird, I've gone a bit soft just a few days of staying here and this place is making me feel like I'm safe, but I know I'm never far away from my problems...never safe. The moment I let my guard down is the moment when those fuckers come and take away everything that makes me feel safe, but never again and I'll make sure of it. If I treasure something then I must leave them so that they won't be able to take it from me, so they won't find it and burn it just like any other time.

I'm on thin ice, if anyone tried to help me they would end up plunging into the cold waters and I would be to blame for not preventing them from helping. I can't ask for help and that is why I need to be stronger, so I don't need to rely on anyone else and be dragged into the mess I've made.

The sooner I leave the better.

"Whoa!" I heard Sarvente's voice and I directed my head to the source and saw that she was struggling to hold everything in her hands. My body is moving on its own again, cause the second I knew it I was already holding the plates, forks, and spoons in my hand. "Your helpful today aren't you?" Sarvente teased, I just stayed silent and placed the plates and the silverware on the table taking a seat afterward. The table was small maybe 2-3 people can use it but I wouldn't complain about it. "I'll be back in a bit,

That smell is so familiar

She placed the tray and opened up the lid to unveil it. "Solyanka and Pirozhki!" She announces cheerfully with a smile that's always on her face.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it like my whole body was frozen on the spot. "Well, what are you waiting for? eat up or the food will run cold." I looked at her as she sat down on the opposite side of the table and looked at me raising a brow of confusion.

Is she a Russian as well? How did she know my preference? I don't why but this feeling of home... hurts somehow.

Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia 20 years ago

3rd P.O.V

"Boy, where have you been?" An old man kneeled and looked at the boy. "....." The boy stayed quiet, ashamed of his appearance to the old man."You got bruises all over! You've been fighting again with those punks, da?" Questioned by the old man and this time boy spoke."....sorry pa."

"You know why I taught you how to fight so you can defend yourself not go around picking fights."

"Ah, well what's done is done let's go back to the hut and have ourselves some solyanka, that we'll cool your head."

"Yes, Pa." The boy followed the old man back to the hut. But only to witness their home getting burned down by some gang who's laughing and throwing more gasoline at their house. "What the hell are you doing to my house!" The old man charges toward them with an Axe with raging wrath managing to kill a few of them with a few swift swings before getting a smack to the head with a bat instantly knocking him out.

The boy rushes towards the old man only to be beaten up as well. They laugh and laugh as they kick the little boy vigorously. They stopped after some time and left. The boy gathered all his strength and crawled towards the old man's lifeless body clenching onto it and crying.

After a few hours of crying, he took a shovel and buried the old man near the burned house. He looked into the horizon with the resolve of vengeance in his eyes.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :3

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