Chapter 9

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Back at it again! Sorry for the delay guys, I caught a cold last week which also lasted for almost a week hence, I wasn't able to publish this chapter sooner, but now I'm all better and ready to write another page! :3

Ruvyzvat's P.O.V

Sarvente has been enthusiastic all day. Guess she's been reading the book she snatched from me this morning, it's good to see her back to her typical self and not sulking whenever she's alone.

"Hey! Ruv!"

I snapped out of my thoughts as a worried Sarvente waved her hand in front of me.

"Huh? What is it?" I asked as she sat back down on her chair. "You haven't touched your food, does it taste bad?" She asked her expression troubled.

I didn't answer and instead began to eat my dinner, which was borscht. The dominant tastes in borscht are sweet and sour. I usually hate sweets but her cooking is an exception.

"It's good," I paused and stared her in the eyes and said these words. "Thank you for the food." Before resuming to eat my food, I could sense her smiling from ear to ear as she too proceeded to eat hers.

As we finished our meals, she collected all the plates and bowls as well as the spoons and told me to go to my room and rest early so my wound would heal faster then took all of it to the kitchen. I stayed at the table for a bit about what she said. It reminded me of my thoughts on whether to stay or not the last time those soldiers arrived at this place.

Now it is making me rethink my judgment. "If those soldiers come by again and I'm not around she might- No, no that would be foolish of them to try and enslave a Nun." As I was about to leave the table, I heard humming coming from the kitchen. Out of curiosity, I went to check it out to see Sarvente humming cheerfully as she washed the dishes. Her smile...I want to protect that smile and never let her cry again.

My heartfelt warmth then left her to her own devices as I went ahead to my room taking her advice.

The next day~

My body has been feeling stiff recently and it is probably because I haven't been training. Sarvente has forbidden me from doing so as she thinks that my body isn't fully healed yet.

"No training until your body has fully recovered. And no tormenting anyone got it? If anyone recognizes you your gonna be killed and we don't want that now do we?" She said a bit annoyed by what I'd been doing secretly. I only nodded in response to her scolding.

She sure can be fearsome at times, but that's what makes her Sarvente, and I don't want her to change.

Sarvente's P.O.V

I've noticed Ruv hasn't been rebellious about my scolding recently, he would simply nod his head and apologize for whatever he had done wrong. Of course, I don't wanna scold him too much that would be unholy.

As I made my way to the kitchen I saw him there sitting on a chair with freshly brewed coffee in his right hand which made me smile, he's not usually a morning person but then again I told him to rest early last night.

He noticed my presence when I made my inside. As I poured myself some coffee I heard a cough. When I turned my head I saw Ruv with a red face and his left was turned into a fist to cover his mouth and his eyes closed.

"Shouldn't you be in your uniform at this kind of time?" He said before turning around to face the wall. "What do you-" I paused to take a look at myself and found that I was in my pajamas with Neapolitan ice cream patterns with a little pink heart shape on the chest.

"Y-you didn't see, did you?" I asked, waiting for his response but he only stayed quiet. "Say something!" I shouted out of embarrassment. "Just get back to your room and get dressed before you embarrass yourself more than you already have." He said calmly and I bolted back to my room.

I can't believe I let this happen! How can I just show myself in such a state? I'm not used to him waking up early this morning and letting my guard down.

"Ugh, my stars how could I have let this happen!"

10 minutes later~

I went back to the kitchen to find that Ruv wasn't there anymore, I grabbed my coffee from the counter and took a sip expecting it to be hot which turned out to be a bit cold but I didn't mind it.

After I finished my coffee I went to go look for Ruth. I got the urge to scold him for seeing me in my pajamas!

I went to his room, inside and around the Church but nothing, he wasn't there. If I remember correctly, he usually goes to the library now and then.

The sound of my heels echoed through the halls as I made my way to the back of the Church into the library. When I opened the door there he was, Ruv who seemed to be putting a book back on the shelf. I don't know how fast I walked towards him as he was only one meter away from me.

"Forget about it."


"Forget what you saw! Erase it from your memories, you pervert!"

"And how am I supposed to do that exactly?"

I raised my hands and started to hit him repeatedly. "Forget it! Forget it! Forget it!" I didn't notice I started crying. "Ow, what's up with seeing you in your bedtime attire?" He said, he then grabbed both my wrists as I struggled and continued sobbing. "Everyone will laugh at me! They would think I'm a joke for exposing myself!"

He let go of my wrist and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "What do you mean you've exposed yourself? Sarv you have worn proper pajamas you didn't even expose your skin! I'm just awkward around people-" he paused and wiped my tears away. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like you're not believable..." He caressed my head gently as my tears subsided from all the sobbing, though the hiccups were still there.

"I'm sorry if I made you worry...Ruv."

Man, this turned out greater than I expected! Though I'm not used to doing girl P.O.V. I hope this was close enough to it. Anyways thanks for reading guys hope you enjoyed this chapter! :3

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