Chapter 24

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Yo, another one for you guys!

3rd Person P.O.V

Ruvyzvat returned to the alley where he last left her to chase the gang boss. He was soaking wet from the sudden downpour earlier. "Where is she?" He looked everywhere in the alley until he finally found her at the bus stop shuddering from the cold. He ran towards her while she wasn't unaware of Ruvyzvat getting closer until she heard his boots drawing closer. She turns her head in the direction of the sound only to see Ruvyzvat's chest close to her face. She looked up to see his eyes looking back at her. His eyes showed deep sorrow, his body trembling over the fact that he almost lost her. He failed as her protector, He failed her just like how he failed his family and everyone else he ever loved. That feeling that he has buried deep inside is slowly creeping its way back out. That feeling...the feeling of being...helpless.

Sarvente reached up to wipe the tears streaming from his face caressing it with her thumb. More tears stream down his face, When was the last time he cried? Days? Months? Years? He can't remember anymore. His heart needed to be hardened and cold all those years to carry on with his life. After his tears subsided she gave him the biggest hug she could muster, that Ruvyzvat was almost sent to meet his maker. She gently stroked his back. "Don't worry, I'm not hurt." She pulled back a bit. "See? Not-" Ruvyzvat cut her off when he moved her bangs and saw a small bruise. "Oh, that? That's nothing I just got careless and-" He cut her off again with his sudden action that she wasn't expecting him to do.

He wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. She was left speechless with her mouth open still processing what happened. "I-I'm sorry I should not have done that." He said apologetically letting go of her. Sarvente seemed to be spacing out from the sudden act, finally snapping out of it she composed herself. "Oh, OH! it's quite alright don't worry about that. I like it- I mean I don't like it in a way that uhm- What I meant to say was- Gosh why are the words not coming out properly!" She said, smacking her cheeks with her hands. "What I mean to say is I appreciate that you always look out for me when I blindly walk the wrong path. Thank you Ruv I owe you."

"Let's...go home Sarv." He looked at her somehow looking a bit relieved, She nodded in response and took his hand in hers. They returned to the market to pick up the groceries she left earlier before they both headed back to the church hand in hand, Ruvyzvat keeping a firm hold of her hand till they reached their destination.

They both entered the church Sarvente still dragging a soaking-wet Ruvyzvat behind her, leading him to the bathroom for him to take a shower before eating dinner.

He did what he was told as Sarvente went to her room to change her clothes into her casual ones. She looked at the tall mirror and saw her clothes were torn and there were some small cuts on her face, arms, and legs. "If Ruv hadn't come I would have lost myself. The thought of losing control again...I can't let that happen. Millions of lives are going to suffer if that time comes to pass." She is saddened by the thought of wiping thousands of people, all because she couldn't control her power. She is a walking calamity that if left unchecked surely disaster follows. All her works vanish like a bubble with just one simple mistake.

She doesn't want that for she has people who love her for who she is regardless of the ugly truth of who she is and what she is destined to be. What happened back then could have happened today, and the cycle would have repeated itself. The lives she took can't be brought back, once it's gone it is gone forever...Forever.

After dressing casually, she met up with Ruvyzvat in the kitchen. He was wearing a lavender sweater and grey sweatpants. He didn't seem to have noticed her walking in as he continued chopping some ingredients they brought from the market. He was planning on making some soup to warm them up.

Sarvente took a seat at the small table unable to find words to reassure him. She knows he is still blaming himself for what happened to her and she feels stupid for letting it happen. pondering what she could do for him she sighed as nothing came to mind. Ruvyzvat glanced from his shoulder and saw Sarvente a bit agitated, she seemed to be deep in thought and he wondered if she was still troubled with the earlier events. His heart felt heavy for some reason and he couldn't shake the feeling from before.

After a few minutes later Ruvyzvat placed the soup on the dinner table. The sweet aroma of chicken noodle soup filling the air caused both stomachs to grumble. "Hehe, I guess it's time to eat." She said trying to lighten up the mood to which Ruv only nodded and sat down across the table.

The dinner was quiet much to Sarvente's dismay. Sarvente glanced at Ruvyzvat a bit worried, she wanted to make sure he wasn't feeling down. Her glances didn't go unnoticed as he stared directly at her which made her quickly look back at her soup as if she was caught in the act her face was a bit flustered. "....." His answer was silence as he took another sip of his soup.

"I'm sorry," Sarvente replied. Ruvyzvat stopped eating after hearing those words, his attention was now on her as he waited for her to finish what she was gonna say. "For not listening to your advice, for being stupid I ended up endangering my life and yours." She held both her hands. "So, if you're angry with me say it and don't hold back." She stared at Ruvyzvat who didn't return the gaze. The silence was deafening and it made Sarvente more guilty by the second. Rain started to pour down again only making the atmosphere heavy. Sarvente stood and slammed both her hands on the table in frustration. "Stop being stoic Ruv! Go on shout, scream, say something!" Sarvente shouted. Ruvyzvat stayed quiet he was not going to give what Sarvente was asking him to do.  He was unsure what was the best course of action at the moment but he sure wouldn't like it if Sarvente started crying.

"Sarv," He took one of her hands into his own and looked at her straight in the eyes. "None of this is your fault, If anyone is to blame it should be me not you. I should have persisted in coming along I should have been there by your side when you needed me. So, you don't need to apologize for something like that." He gently caressed her hand with his thumb.

His words made her heartache, this man in front of her had always been protective of her even though he didn't say it as much. She couldn't stop herself from crying, it was her turn to cry in front of him. Covering her face with her hands as an attempt to hide her sadness she thinks she has become a burden for him to carry. 

He got up and held her in his arms reassuring her that she didn't for this to happen. It's been a long night for both of them a terrible one at that. Something tells him it is just the beginning of it and Ruvyzvat is ready to face it for her.

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