Chapter 21

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I wonder how Ruvyzvat is going to preserve that ice cream. The past chapters are good but something is missing like a solid plot in the story. I was just thinking of making a book about how they meet again and how recognize their feelings for each other but there is still something missing. You guys try to help build that plot. I'll be reading your comments for ideas on how to keep the book going thank you.

3rd Person P.O.V

They sat in silence as the elderly woman was preparing tea for the three of them. Ruvyzvat felt uneasy just being there fully knowing he'd be getting a lot of questions from her. He thought If he was not careful with his choice of words he might have to start running again.

"...I don't want that." He thought fearing the outcome of the discussion.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sarvente tugged on his sleeve. She noticed how quiet Ruv was and it made her worry. He turned to her and gave her a nod but by now she could already read him like a book.

The constant tapping of his boots only made it more obvious that he was anxious. Sarvente didn't even hesitate to grab Ruv's hand squeezing it lightly.

Ms. Agatha returned with a tray of 3 cups of tea, placing it on the table before taking her seat.

"So what brings you both here?" Ms. Agatha asked taking a sip of her tea.

"Oh, I just wanted to visit again with my friend. He also wanted to meet you in person so he can thank you." Sarvente explained.

Ms. Agatha stared at me for a second before smiling. "Awe isn't that sweet of you my dear? Oh, by the way, what is your name boy?" She questioned.

Ruv was sweating he didn't know how to answer her question without her getting suspicious. He was about to open his mouth when suddenly the elder woman raised her hand and stopped him.

"You don't have to answer that now if you're not ready." Ms. Agatha said putting her hand away still smiling at him. "If my dear Sarvente here declares you as her friend then that information alone is good enough, though it would be great to know your name one day." She added before taking a sip of her tea.

The conversation went on for hours before they decided to leave as It was getting late. Ruv already gave the letter because he was too nervous to thank the old lady face to face.

Ms. Agatha waved them goodbye and thanked them for visiting. As they were about to leave the shop Ruvyzvat abruptly stopped and turned around standing in front of Ms. Agatha. "My, did you forget something dear?" She questioned. Ruv knowing the risk his taking took a deep breath.

"Ruv," he uttered Ms. Agatha smiled widely at him before bringing up her hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you Ruv." Ruv shook her hand before going back to Sarv who was also smiling. She heard everything and it made her happy his opening up to others.

They returned to the church shortly after they visited Ms. Agatha's shop. Ruvyzvat was surprisingly exhausted both physically and mentally. The things that they tackled today were a bit risky but they've managed to pull through it all.

Ruv helped Sarv with the groceries, placing them in the fridge and some on the cabinets before letting himself flop down on a vacant couch and closing his eyes to take a nap.

The sound of heels ringing in the room, Ruvyzvat was too tired to have noticed Sarvente's presence. Sitting at the edge of the couch she recalled what he had said yesterday.

"You pulled me out of the darkness that resides in me. Sarv thank you for saving me from myself."

"You are such a silly man." She gently caressed his head. "You're the one who saved me, dummy. You are someone I treasure deeply as well. You helped me cope with my depression. You never ceased to amaze me every day. Showing different sides of you that you have hidden from others for so long. You've shown them to me and it made me feel a bit special and it made me want to know more side of you." She whispered. before going back to the kitchen to make dinner.

As soon as Sarvente left Ruvyzvat immediately sat up. He had heard everything and it made him feel hot inside. His heart felt like it would jump out of his chest any second.

Everything she said rang in his ears. "I want to know more sides of you."

"Sarvente..." He could utter her name before walking back to his room to change clothes.

Ruv knows too well that his falling for her but he can't. It was forbidden in every sense. He's a criminal, he killed people, and he committed mass genocide, he pickpockets the rich. He has lost his humanity once. The strong sense of justice he took with pride was gone. He was not even worthy of speaking to her.

He felt like a big tangled mess. Running away from problems was always the key to his problems but at the end of the day, they would still find their way back to him. This problem is the same as others.

Staying puts her in danger, leaving will also put her in danger. If he were to pick he would stay than leave. He would die for here if it's necessary. This would be his act of redemption for all the bad things he had done in his life. To protect his new purpose to live with all he has.

When he finally got out of his room he went straight to the kitchen to see Sarvente cooking.

Sarv greeted him and greeted back and sat himself down waiting for her patiently.

"Protect her for the rest of your life."

Alright, we are slowly getting close to the vow part. Maybe a few chapters to make this a bit thrilling for everyone. But it's gonna be a bit delayed cuz My little sister got into an accident currently at the hospital I'll update you soon enough after she is discharged. Thanks for reading!

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