Chapter 26

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Did you guys have fun in the new year? I sure did hehe anyways I give another page on this one

3rd P.O.V

After a few more minutes of chatting, the girls eventually left the church, saying they would revisit her occasionally, which made Sarvente happy to have made two new friends. She tidied up the kitchen and was lost in thought as Ruvyzvat entered the room after the girls left. "Sarv?" Ruvyzvat asks trying to get his friend to snap out of her thoughts. Sarvente looked at Ruvyzvat with a confused look tilting her head to the side. "Yeah? what's up? Did you finish your daily patrol already?" She asked to which Ruvyzvat nodded in response. "You had visitors?" Ruv asked pointing at the two cups on the table. She looked at it and then back at Ruv with a smile. "Oh, yes they were only here briefly." She said. "And what was their purpose for coming here? Do you know them?" He asked another question while he sat down. Sarvente took the cups and put them on the sink to wash them later as she took a freshly brewed coffee handing it to him as she sat across the table. "Well, I just recently know them and they just came by to chat. They wanted to thank me for last night because they didn't get to do it." She answered. Hearing that made Ruvyzvat curious about what happened before the incident.

"What for?" He asked again taking a sip of his coffee, the taste made him feel so alive. Sarvente thought about what she should say, after all, she did take the risk of endangering her life in the process of saving those girls. "Oh...Uhm, well it's nothing too great I just helped them out a bit...y'know?" She nervously smiled hoping that he would take the bait. She worries about upsetting him because she knows he cares for her well-being. To her surprise, Ruvyzvat didn't question her further and responded with. "Alright." Finishing up his coffee

Later that day, Ruvyzvat told Sarvente he would be out to do some errands for a while, and he'll be back by evening. However, this was just an excuse as he had other plans. He was curious about what had happened before Sarvente was hurt. He disguised himself and headed out to find them, he was eager to know why Sarvente was in that predicament in the first place and why those girls thanked her.

The man looked around for hours trying to find where they might be but could not locate them. Finally, he decided to go home and continue the search the next day as the sun had already set. Just as he was leaving, he spotted Granny Agatha talking with someone. It was hard to see the person because a tree blocked the view, so he moved to a different spot to see who they were. He saw two girls with brown and white hair chatting with the old lady before giving her a small hug as they said goodbye.

Ruvyzvat followed them and soon saw them enter a big apartment. Ruby and Ayane heard a knock on the door as they entered their shared apartment. Both became tense at the sound of the knocking; Ruby was slightly frightened. Being the braver one, Ayane asked who it was but received no response from the visitor. Annoyed, Ayane shouted at the door, "If you don't have business with us, then leave!"

Ruvyzvat pondered how to respond to that without sounding like a bad person. "I just want to talk about what happened in last night's incident," he asked. "Yeah? Who's asking, hmm?!" she replied. Ruvyzvat sighed at the question. He knows he can't just reveal himself to everyone he meets; that's the opposite of keeping a low profile. But for Sarvente's safety, he must. "Look, all you need to know is that I'm not a bad guy, alright? My friend was harassed by some punks on the streets last night, and you two were witnesses. I just want to know if you know anything about who they are."

"And who is this friend of yours?"


The door quickly opened and they both stood in front of him. There was silence as the three of them looked at each other. Both girls were a bit shocked at Ruv's height but did not mention it.

They asked him to come in and he did what he was told and sat down on the small coach as the two girls sat on the opposite side. " know Sarvente and that she is your friend?" Ruby asked putting a brave face on. "Yes." He replied plainly. "Who are you anyway?" Ayane chimed in the conversation. "My name is irrelevant, I came here to ask if you two know something about the incident with my friend and why she was in that situation. I wanna know who those people that had hurt Sarvente." Ruvyzvat answered.

"Well, we can't be just giving information to random people we don't know. We don't want Sarvente to have a target on her back after all she did for us. You must understand that much if you're her friend." Ayane said, crossing her arms with a worried look on her face Ruby only nodded in agreement. "Fine, call me R how's that?" Ruvyzvat said looking at the pair, both of them looked at each other and then whispered to each other as if contemplating whether or not it was enough.

"Alright, Mr. R...Why do you want the information and what do you intend on doing to it?" Ayane asked, this time sternly. "Like I said I wanna know who they are and who is pulling their strings," Ruvyzvat replied a bit annoyed at the questions that were being thrown at him. "They might have the same boss as the ones I saw a few days back." He added Ayane and Ruby were shocked at the information that their friend had been targeted before the incident. "What do you mean by that? You mean she has been their target the whole time?" Ruby asked trembling a bit but comforted by Ayane.

"All we know is that they have some kind of mark on their wrist that resembles a star." Ayane took a paper and pen out of her bag and drew in for Ruvyzvat to see. After she was done drawing she handed it to him and he began inspecting it. "This is enough, thank you for your time I'll be going now." He stood but was stopped by Ruby's question. "Is Sarvente going to be okay?" He turned to them. "Yeah, she's gonna fine. Don't tell her that I came here and act like this never happened." And then he left the two.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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