Chapter 19

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Dang, it's been months. Getting caught up with real-life problems I have forgotten to update this book. But I was surprised to see its rank as a top 1# SarvxRuv and people giving good comments on this, thus why I will add another :3

Sarvente's P.O.V

Ruv has been stuck in his room for hours thinking hard about his letter. His considering giving a sincere thank you to someone whom he didn't even meet in person.

He'd normally just ignore them or straight out frighten them with his sickle and honestly if I wasn't there to interfere they have been buried already.

I walk back to his room and knock a few times.

"Hey, Ruv?" I heard footsteps drawing closer as He unlocked his door and peeked his head. "Are you done making the letter for Ms. Agatha? It doesn't have to be a long message you know? Simple is best." He blinked a few times before fully opening the door and gesturing to me to come in.

I sat on the edge of his bed seeing some ruffled papers everywhere. He's taking this that seriously?

Ruv also sat down a few inches away with a sigh. "I never knew a simple thank you letter would take so much work and time." He said, before flopping down his back on the bed and stretching his arms.

"How do I make it simple Sarv?" He looked at me confusion in his eyes. "I always say the words directly from the heart, So in your case listen to the heart and write what your heart tells you to."

"Write what my heart tells me to? But do hearts even have mouths?" He replied, I face palmed at this guy's limited brain capacity. "No, Ruv what I mean is write what you feel," I swear I can feel my face bulging. Yes, he sometimes gets on my nerves either he asks something dumb or says something dumb and he does it with a straight face!

"Oh, okay." He took another paper and started writing again. Other times it's hard to stay mad at him. He acts like a child at times especially when his curious about something the way he gets really into it.

I looked around his room again and saw visible cracks around the walls and ceiling with cobwebs and dust. I need to renovate his room but I can't simply do it with a spell that would raise his suspicion.

"Ruv? Do you think we should renovate your room? It could use a bit of decoration don't you think so?" I asked, He took a glance at me before writing once again. "I can live just about anywhere you put me in Sarv." He said confidently I giggled in response to his answer. "Really? What made you say that with such resolve?"

"You've earned my trust through your kindness and selflessness. You have put your well-being for others even when you know it would cause you harm. You never hated the people who hurt you nor did you push them away from this place...You are so full of love and kindness that it made me wonder if I'm worthy of it, to be showered by it."

"Eh?" He looked at me with a soft expression.

"You can laugh if you want, I would laugh at me, to be honest, I never expected that I would trust anyone again let alone feel safe and protected from the world but that was until I met you Sarv."He paused and muster what was supposed to be a smile. "You pulled me out of the darkness that resides in me. Sarv thank you for saving me from myself."

Those words made me feel a ton of emotions swirling together but overall I feel extremely happy that he thought of me that way. "I'm glad to hear that thank you as well for trusting me Ruv."

Ruvyzvat P.O.V

There it is again that bright warm smile she always does when she's pleased. I wish to protect it forever. I want to protect her forever till my last breath.

She stood and peeked from my shoulder looking at my letter. "Hmm! That's good Ms. Agatha would appreciate it." She said, patting my shoulder before walking to the door. "I'll get dinner ready do you have any requests for tonight?" She asked, turning her head and holding the door open. "I'm good with anything." She gave a smile and then left closing the door behind her.

As she left I was left with my thoughts again. These feelings are troublesome to handle for me. If let it slip she might hate me It is forbidden right from the start. I can't let this slide I must be more careful around her for both our sakes.

After 30 minutes or so Sarvente called out for me to have dinner together. Every time she calls me sends my heart pounding and makes it hard to breathe with all these emotions I'm feeling all at once. I even caught myself staring at her a bit too much from time to time and each time I would notice the little things that make Sarvente.....Sarv.

As we both sat down she started to pray for the both of us. I just did what she did clasping my hands and staying silent till she's done.

"Hey, Sarv?" I asked. She looked up from her food and tilted her head a bit to the right. "Hmm?" She gestured for me to go on. "Can I ask you a favor?" I looked down at my food a bit hesitant. "Do you think I can come with you tomorrow?"

"That's a surprise but why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Shit, I didn't think this through damn it. Think of something before this gets more awkward than it already is. "I-I wanted to give the letter to Ms. Agatha myself as thanks for helping me out."

"Hmm, well that is sweet of you but don't you think people will recognize you if you go outside? She asked.

"I was fine the last time so this time shouldn't be any different I promise to keep a low profile."

She thought about it for a second before giving an okay sign and proceeding to eat. After dinner, she told me to get to bed early as we would be shopping for groceries tomorrow before meeting Ms. Agatha at her shop

I tried to sleep early but the events that happened today made it hard to do so and in the end I couldn't sleep.

What did you get yourself into again Ruvyzvat...

I know, I know this won't even be enough for you readers but I'll try to make another soon. Thanks for the support you've been giving via comments it's motivational to look at so many people cheering you on so again I thank you, My dear viewers

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