Chapter 7

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Here's another one for y'all since I got some free time to spare. Been having this sudden idea floating in my head and just started writing it on as it keeps popping more and more so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :3

Sarvente's P.O.V

I wake up to another casual day at the church but I guess it's not that casual since I have someone living with me. As I looked around I found myself on the floor of my bedroom.

I sigh, "Tsk, typical." I lifted myself off the floor and stretched as I felt a sharp pain in my back. "Ugh, my back is killing me!" I put my right hand on my back and headed towards the bathroom, taking my toothbrush and putting some toothpaste on it then started brushing my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was messy, my eyes were half-open, and my horns...horns sticking out.

Days pass by and everything is seemingly peaceful but after the dinner, with Ruvyzvat the atmosphere has been a bit heavy around him. It makes me think that I must have reminded him of something bad or even worse, God I wish he would be more open with me. I want to ask him about it but it might be something personal and anger him if I step on the line. It's not that I'm afraid of asking him about it, I might sound pushy and make him change his mind about staying here.

I've spent My entire existence trying to save these humans and so many of them turn it down like it's nothing! Because I come on too strong or I get antsy or I'm not believable enough. They don't know how it feels to walk up to those pearly gates and be told "No" over and over and over again...for years! For Decades! For Centuries! To love the Creator's more than anything else in the whole world...and not be loved back.

I'd kill to be them, but I can't be. I can never live down who I am, doing this is the closest I can get to being a good person.

I'll never feel the Creator's love...that eternal happiness that I've been yearning to have but so far away from my reach. Because the likes of me are beyond redemption in Creator's eyes even if the whole universe collides and becomes nothing.

"If only I was born human..."

Ruvyzvat's P.O.V

She must have noticed my change of personality lately. I haven't replied to any of her questions these past few days ever since that night we had dinner together.

Opening up this memory that I kept shoving behind the back of my head is troublesome and only holds me back from my purpose.

"Use it to defend he said, Don't use it with violence he said..." I paused and looked at the ceiling of my room.

"If you keep protecting there wouldn't be an end to their attacks. The only way to end it is to destroy the core of the attacks." I raise my hand closing and opening then slumping it back on the bed, putting my other arm above my eyes.

"I'm sorry Pa, but this is the only way I can let go of my grief...The purpose that keeps me going, I know this isn't what you want me to do but...My soul won't rest until I flatten the head of the one who killed you!" I sat up ruffling my hair a bit then took a deep breath and exhaled before taking out my hat inside the little drawer on my right then headed towards the door opening it the shutting it behind me.

I was wandering around the outside of the church checking if anyone was trying to mess with it again. This became my daily routine ever since I agreed to stay...for a while.

I've surveyed the front, back, and sides of the church to see if any spray cans or other stuff someone might have left. Thirty minutes have passed with no sign of any recent activity.

"Guess they noticed my traps." I took off my ushanka and dusted it off before putting it back on my head and headed back inside to see what that Nun was doing right about now. As I turned on my heels I saw something that caught my attention.

I guess owe her an apology for acting cold these past few days.

When I got inside I was greeted by her like always. "How's your walk around the Church? Find anything interesting?" She said, smiling like she always does. I shrugged "Nothing out of the ordinary." As I was about to pass by her I stopped and put the yellow flower I plucked outside on the right side of her hair and left without another word.

Does that count as an apology? I think so, maybe? I remember Gramps used to do that to the other kids when they were mad at him for tricking them into doing a massage and choirs instead of training them, saying it's all part of the exercise, his way of saying his sorry without saying the word.

He's not the kind of man who talks a lot, but just looking him in the eyes makes me understand what he wants me to do and what not to do, and I would gladly obey his orders no matter what. If he hadn't found me in the dumpster I would have been dead years ago so that's why I pledge my life to serve him even if that means dying for him in any way because he's the only one I got...but now he went dead and laid to rest, I wasn't strong enough to protect him I wasn't brave enough to step up to those people.

But now I won't be holding back, I don't wanna be a deadweight for everyone to carry. I want to make them pay for what they did to my home, to those innocent people, to my Pa!

Ack! A real vengeful one are ya Ruv! hope ya all enjoy let me know what you think about the story in the comment section :3

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