Chapter 20

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Took me an hour to find this image but hey found it That is all that matters. Anyway, another one for you guys since I have free time now, and then I'll let you readers enjoy your chapter.

3rd person P.O.V

Sarvente woke up extra early today not because she fell out of bed but rather because she wanted to finish her duties today before she and Ruv went to get groceries and meet up with Ms. Agatha. After finishing her duties and cooking breakfast she went to get Ruv from his room.

Knocking on the door three times waiting for her friend to come out. The sound of footsteps could be heard as it drew closer and closer until the door opened slightly. Ruv pops his head out rubbing his good eye for a bit to get a clear view of the person in front of him. "Geez, sometimes you sleep like up dog," Sarvente commented as Ruv could finally see who it was.

"What's up dog?" Ruv asked raising a brow.

"Nothing much What's up with you!" Sarvente started laughing at the very confused Ruv. Although he didn't understand jokes much it was still a sight to see a laughing Sarvente.

When she finally calmed down she asked him to get ready so they could have breakfast. Ruv followed her instructions and got himself dressed before getting out of his room.

Moments later he saw her placing plates on the table with two freshly brewed coffees and two what looked to be egg sandwiches.

She turns her head to meet him standing at the doorway. "Good morning!" She said full of energy as always. "Better hurry we got a lot of things that need to be done."

"Yeah." He took a seat from the opposite side of her seat waiting for Sarv to lead the prayer. It's slowly becoming a habit for him. To wait till she's finished praying before eating.

He used to do a prayer before eating back when he was still with his parents, for his father was a religious man who was also a policeman married to a criminal whose secretly the Robin Hood of the town he used to live in.

Sometimes he wants to turn back the time to meet them one last time.

After the food was eaten they headed outside to start their grocery. They made small talk along the way to pass the time as the grocery store was a bit far from the church. Ruv didn't seem to mind the long walk he wasn't even bored for a second with her around.

Normally it would bug him if someone kept asking a lot of things about him, But not Sarvente not at all he would gladly give pieces of himself to her because he knew that she was the only person aside from his parents who could understand him without being judged.

As they walk along the side of the road he notices some people taking glances at them some would stare longer than he would like. "What are they looking at." He thought as he went a bit closer to Sarvente making them touch each other shoulders.

Sarvente noticing his sudden action tugged onto his sleeves. "Are you okay?" She questioned he turned to her and nodded.

If only they knew who he was without the mask Sarv gave him before they went out they would be running for their lives. The mere sight of him makes their legs tremble in fear, especially the rich ones.

After a few minutes, they've reached their destination. Heading inside the two discussed what to buy and eventually settled on vegetables and a bit of meat since both had discounts.

Ruv carried the bags as he practically let Sarv drag him along the store for hours to buy other necessary stuff.

Even though there were a lot of bags in his hands he didn't grow tired. It was simply because of his exceptional strength and endurance. In his head, he secretly thanked his mother for giving him such a strong body otherwise, he would have been struggling right now.

They went to the cashier and paid for their goods before heading straight towards Ms. Agatha's Fashion Boutique.

When they got there they were both greeted by the employees in the store. "Hey, Sarv! Nice to see you again, how are you?" One of the employees with a tag named Hunni a former pop star back when she was 19. She greeted Sarvente with a tight embrace before letting go.

"Hello Hunni, I haven't seen you these past few days I'm so glad to meet you today!" Sarvete smiled brightly at her friend before getting swarmed by other employees.

"She seems to be a popular visitor here." Ruv thought as he watched Sarvente smiling and laughing with them.

It didn't take long before they noticed Ruvyzvat. Sarvente noticed the sudden silence of her friends She turned adverting his eyes from the stares his been receiving.

"Oh, right I forgot to introduce you to my friend Ruvyzvat. The most reliable person on earth." She proclaimed.

They all came closer to take a better look at him but he simply backed away with his hands up.

"Oh, I forgot to mention he's a bit shy and scary at times but he's really sweet once you get to know him," Sarvente added.

Hunni approaches Ruv inspecting him up and down before offering a handshake. "Hello, I'm Hunni a friend of Sarv nice to meet the guy who's been taking care of my friend. Heard a lot of things about you."

Ruv froze for a second before glancing at Sarv as if asking for reassurance. She simply gave him a reassuring smile and a nod before Ruv went to shake Hunni's hand. "Ruvyzvat." He said plainly.

"He's quite tall don't you think so too Sarv?" Hunni asked turning her head to Sarvente and then back at Ruvyzvat. She was about 6 ft and Ruv was about close to 10 ft tall. Sarvente on the other hand was 7.5 ft a bit taller than Hunni.

"I guess you could say that." Sarv giggled as they continued to talk Ms. Agatha came into the shop. She was buying groceries and snacks for her employees or as she calls them "family".

"Oh my, Sarvente you're here!" Sarvente turned around and saw the sweet elder lady holding 3 bags in each hand and quickly took them from her. "Good morning Ms. Agatha." Sarv greeted with a smile to which the elder lady returned. "Good morning to you as well sweetheart." She replied cupping Sarvente's cheeks before letting go and looking at the man behind Sarvente.

"Oh, I brought my friend with me today he is a bit timid," Sarvente said pulling Ruvyzvat by the hand next to her.

Ruv bows his head slightly to the elder woman before him to show his respect for her.

Ms. Agatha raised both her hands gesturing for Ruv to come closer. He reluctantly did so as she examined his face.

"You look more handsome than I thought." She said letting go of his face. Turning her head to Sarv "You didn't tell me he was this handsome. You want to keep him to yourself or something?" She added.

"W-what? I'm not! Not at all why would you think so?" Sarvente couldn't but get flustered by the question.

The elder lady laughed and so did the other employees. This was the first time they saw Sarvente get flustered over a guy.

"I'm just messing with you, come let's find a place to talk. The store has been running slow today so we have time. I'm sure you have a good purpose for visiting me twice this week." Ms. Agatha grinned before leading the two at the back of the store where what looked like a small kitchen and a table for 5 people.

Ruv will probably be answering some questions throughout the whole conversation.

Drop you guys another hope this compensates for the really long delay 😗

When The Most Wanted Criminal Finds A Pink RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora