Chapter 3

293 6 5

I still have nothing to say :3

Sarvente's P.O.V

"Hello, my name is Sarvente what's your name?"

I opened my eyes and saw my younger self talking to someone. "Am I dreaming?" I asked myself as I tried to move them, but noticed that I not going anywhere even though I was moving forward, looked down to see that I was walking in the void. This must be a dream then but why does it seem so real and feel so right?

I stop and look back at them. Little me seem to be so happy talking to that person who I can't recognize due to their face being blurred out. But I heard it talk and it sounded like a boy.

"Do you promise that one day will meet again? and you won't find my eye patch scary?"

"Promise!! I'll give you one of my ribbons as a promise!"

Little me then hands out one of the ribbons which the other kid with a blurred face took from her hands.

"I promise I will find you again. No, not just a promise, I vow that I will return to you and protect you..."

Who was that?

Why can't I remember his face?

Just as I was glued to thought, something snapped me out of my dream. I opened my eyes for real this time looked over my right to the time and saw that was 6 in the morning. and advert my attention to my window and saw a raven on the other side of the glass, pecking at it constantly.

"Annoying bird!" I said out loud and got off the bed opened the window and shooed the raven away but it just came back a few seconds later. It stared at me then caw that sounded like a gurgling croak.

I gave out a long sigh and went to the bathroom. "A good bath should relieve my stress!" I said to myself as I turned to the next hallway, I saw something I shouldn't see.

It was Ruv, with wet messy greyish lavender hair with simply a towel covering his lower half exposing his well-toned 6-pack abs. "What are you doing?" He suddenly asks, making me realize that I've been staring at him for about a minute or so.

I cough and regain my posture. "I don't know what you're talking about!" I said crossing my arms and raising a brow full of pride. He just raised a brow as well. "Move! I'm gonna use the bathroom!" I said and tried to get past him but he yanks me back so I'm in front of him again. "The bathrooms that way." He said and pointed behind me.

"I knew that! Hmph!" I said and walked away without another word. God that was so embarrassing! Why do I act like such a klutz?!

Ruvyzvat's P.O.V

What's gotten into her today, she's more of a klutz than yesterday. I watched her leave walking down the other hallway and disappear after she took another turn to the right.

Now that I think about it, I don't think she ever mentioned her name. It would be troublesome to just call her You all the time." As I was thinking about how to ask her for her name I pass by a pink door with a big imprint saying Sarvente's room and a do not enter sign below.

Sarvente huh? Not a bad name. I keep on walking heading towards my room on the hidden part of the Church which is at the end of the hallway where I'm currently going." I guess I don't need to go through all that trouble to get her name." I whispered to myself as I reached my destination and opened the door to my room.

I dried myself up using the towel Sareve- I mean Sarvente left me last night. Saying her name needs some time to get used to. I put on my black pants, long sleeves, and boots. I hesitated to wear my Ushanka hat at first but put it on anyway along with my grey snowy jacket.

As I exited my room a few minutes or so I heard Sarv's voice in the main hallway and it seemed like she was talking to someone. I peeked my head out and saw those soldiers who raided my place days ago.

"Greetings, are you here to join the Church?" Sargent asked them politely giving a cheerful attitude. "No ma'am, we are here to ask you if you have seen this man." One of them asked her, handing over a paper which she took out of his hand and read it silently. "His name is Ruvyzvat, one of the highest-ranked fugitives on the run. He is highly dangerous so if you ever see him call us immediately." He added. Based on her reaction it must be one of those wanted posters going around. Shit, just when I'm recovering from my wounds they come knocking on my doorstep.

Guess this is where I'll get arrested again.

I should have left when I had the chance.

Hoist by my own petard.

"Um, I haven't seen this guy near this area, but if I ever saw him I'll try and call you!" She said still having that cheerful attitude.


Why would she spare someone like me? Had she lost her mind? Did she hit her head somewhere? Whatever it is she lied to them for my sake and I can't understand.

Another soldier approached Sarvente and said something that made my blood boil and drenched my mind with bloodshed. "Dang, look at her boss! She looks curvy and delicious!" He said and tried to touch Sarvente.

Before my mind could even process everything, my instincts were already going haywire like a sudden adrenaline rush. I pulled the knife out of my pocket and flung it on the rope that was holding the small chandelier, which landed in between them stopping his advance and backing off in fear.

"Oh my, I was going to have it fixed later today! I'm sorry sir!" Sarvente apologized with a bow. "No need for that ma'am, This guy is just stupid and impulsive and I apologize on his behalf." The first soldier said bowing his head. "We will be taking our leave, Sorry for the inconvenience we have caused, Have a good day!" He added and began to walk out the door along with his crew with that pervy soldier whining.

Staying here longing would be dangerous not only for me but for Sarv as well. It's best to leave this place before they come back. I can't let her be involved in this kind of mess.

Just when I was about to leave, someone tugged on my jacket halting me. I was hesitant to turn around until I heard her say.

"Thank you...for protecting me."

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