Chapter 12

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It's been a while since the last time I updated this story and I was motivated by some new readers pressing votes from time to time, so here we are. Got super stressed about the upcoming exams so I thought this would take my mind off of it for a while and while I do so you guys would be also pleased right? Alright, let's get started!

Sarvente's P.O.V

Ruv has been visiting the tree for quite a while now, I find him fond of it as he stares at it with eyes that seem to be never leaving the tree out of sight. Sometimes I find him there sitting next to it and he would fall asleep after a while.

Maybe the shade and fresh air in the garden make it both mesmerizing and relaxing. As I strolled down the hall I looked out the window where the garden was and again his there but this time he was watering it. I walk to the door twist the door knob open it and a second later he glace up from his shoulder. Putting the watering can down he once again looks at the tall tree.

"You seem to be enjoying the rest of your day here, huh?" I asked, He turned to me. "I remember some fragments of memories whenever I look at this...Tree." He pauses averting his gaze back at it and continues.  "I remember my parents, on a hill with a big tree...calling me to sit next to them." He said, His eyes looking happy for a moment but turning sad the next, I was about to ask him about his parents but stop myself from doing so.

Maybe something really bad happened to his parents and didn't have anyone to tell about his pain and suffering. Well, who would you tell if everyone sees you as a criminal right?

"Mom was always a short-tempered woman but with a soft spot for children, Dad on the other hand was always calm and caring as he has grown up in a church. I remembered I wanted to be like my father, a policeman, a servant of justice. Mom taught me how to fight and defend myself if ever I wish to pursue that dream." He stopped and turned to me again. "Makes me feel like I'm home again." He added, I couldn't help but smile at him for saying that.

"This is the best place to feel at home. I come here often as well when this place was first made, It looked so deserted the first time I saw it, but then I saw a small sprout when some debris blocked it from getting some sunlight. I'm glad that I get to see it grow into what it is today." Then nudge him on the shoulder. "You hungry?" I asked.

"If the food is made by you, I can have a bite." He responded and he followed me inside, I started making food nothing too fancy but just enough to fill a hungry person or two, and as expected he complimented my cooking skills. One time when I handed him a handmade pie that was from a nice shopkeeper near the church His face turned into disgust or so I think, It's hard to read his expression when he makes the same face so to make the story short his super picky about food.

"Hey, Ruv can I ask you a question?" He stops eating and looks at me with that same stoic expression. "Depends on the question." He replied, so I didn't hesitate to ask since I got his permission. "Why are you so wary whenever I give you food from other people?" He paused for a bit then responded. "Haven't you told me back then that you know all my secrets?" He raises a brow at me. "Yeah, but not all of them only the things I heard about this tall Russian criminal who is technically hard to catch. I don't pry into people's lives unless they want me to know their secrets, That being said I don't know much of your personal life and why you are a criminal in the first place." I said it looked like he was thinking about whether he would share his story or not. "But if you are not ready I understand and I'll respect your decision of never mentioning this kind of topic ever." I quickly added, adverting my gaze to the side.

"It's not exactly small talk, but since I've grown to trust you more..." he paused. "I will share a bit of it," He said, then went back to eating his food. I waited for him to finish his food before taking the plate and putting it on the sink, sitting back down in my chair, and waiting for him to start. He gave me a look to which I gave him back a confused look. 


"You're that excited to hear my story?"

"Yeah? What's wrong with that?" I crossed my arms and raised a brow at him. He gave a long sigh and leaned back in his chair. "Back then when I was just a little boy I...always have this strong sense of justice. Back home a lot of people were suffering because of injustice, people with power prey on the weak day and night and get away with it. Mother was also a criminal but not exactly like them, She does not prey on the weak but protects them from those people who treat them like dirt. Father was a policeman who was raised inside the church so He and Mother didn't see eye to eye at first because of their opposite belief. Father's goal was to capture my Mother for all the things she has done to the town and also for the little fight they had, Mother was a strong independent woman and she wouldn't hesitate to give a kick to the balls. Father didn't know that Mother was the one protecting the town they lived in, why would even the police believe her if she was a criminal? Soon enough Mother devises a plan to eliminate the corrupted people from the town, but she needs someone to side with her, someone skilled enough to not die in combat. That's the time she thought of sending Father a letter. They met in a secluded area after that. Mother told him that the entire police force is just as corrupted as those with money and power and that his the only one who does what was right. In the end, Father found out that she was right after all, and started blaming himself for not seeing it sooner. They worked together as one eliminating one corruption to another. They were unstoppable...but then again no one is immune to bullets." He pauses and looks down pondering if he should continue. "You don't need to finish it if it makes you uncomfortable Ruv..." As I held both his hands in mine. He looks at me with a slight expression of relief then we both put our hands on the table. "I honestly don't know if they're still alive or not, The last thing I remembered was gunshots and us running for our lives. Father stayed behind to buy us some time to escape and I saw him...get shot. We found an abandoned small house and she hid me inside a barrel and that time for the first time I saw my Mother cry in front of me. Mother shouted to lure the assassins away from my location and after that...I couldn't see her no more."

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