Chapter 16

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Been getting some ideas lately though I don't know if it's the right time to put them in since it's too early and I'm out of ideas This should suffice for now. I've been looking at some pics from Pinterest and saw a really good drawing from an artist named Weebybeshrimp. This artist has a Twitter account and has tons of Sarvente and Ruvyzvat fan art so check that out if you are interested because I know I am! This story would be based on the comic from Weeby and I'll be just adding my ideas to it. Alright, let's get into it! Oh right before we proceed this is a 3rd person's P.O.V. so narrator.

"I'm going out to play!" Little Sarvente shouted to one of the nuns. "Alright, do be careful." One of the nuns replied. "Yes, sister Mary I will!" Sarv happily skips to the balcony of the church where the other kids are calling. "Is she going to be alright? Sister Mary?" The other nun asks. "I do hope so, The world has not been kind to her ever since she came and I fear she will begin to see the world differently and succumb to her dark side." They both watch Sarvente go and vanish from her sight.  "Hey! Want to come and play with us?" A boy with the hat shouted and the other two kids also invited her. "Yes, I'd love to!" Sarv happily replied with a smile. Taking the stairs to meet the kids who invited her to play she greeted them and so did they. "We found something amazing somewhere in the woods." The boy with the hat said. "Oh  wow really?!" Sarvente was intrigued at the thought of something amazing in the woods. "Yeah! Come on will show you!" The girl from the group joins the chat. The other kid just nodded his head which made Sarvente more excited.

As they enter the woods they talk and talk all the while walking. Sarvente was happy at the thought of finally having friends who liked to talk to her and not treat her like some kind of monster. She used to cry a lot every time someone called her names even bullying her to the extent of physically harming her. Though the Nuns often know her ability to regenerate and heal herself they still worry for her as she could potentially re-awaken her full power and start wreaking havoc through the town. Sarv knows about this and tries to be good to show them that she won't hurt anyone. But even so, people still think ill of her despite all the good things she's done But still, she refuses to stay hated by everyone and never lost hope that one day they'll understand and accept her. She often thinks of finally making a friend who will not look at her with disgust and treat her fairly as she would to them. Someone to play with or talk to for hours and hours. Now that day has come and not only did she manage to get a new friend she managed to get three of them. She smiled to herself as she followed her new friends deeper into the woods. "Where here!" Shouted the boy with a grin. Sarv looked around only seeing more trees, she kneeled and took a small pink flower lying on the ground into her hands. "I don't see anything amazing exactly. What is it that you wanted to show me-" Suddenly one of the kids shoved her making her lose her balance and drop to the ground.

The three kids laughed at her, dress stained with dirt and some small cuts on her knees Her veil dropped to the ground revealing the two long black horns. They were usually not that visible but whenever she is in distress they will begin to grow longer. Still dazed from the sudden push she struggled to lift herself only to be pushed to the ground again. "Did you think we would play with a creep like you?" The boy the hat said laughing maniacally laughing. Sarv looked at them with confusion.

"Look at those ugly horns!"

"She can't be seen with such hideous things."

"What a hideous creature we must fix her."

"Yeah, we must remove those ugly horns!"

The boy with the hat came closer as he grabbed both of Sarvente's horns and pulled. "OW! What are you doing to me!" Sarv cried out in pain. "Don't worry creature, will fix you right up." He replied as his friends laughed at the scene. "Leave! Me! alone!" Sarv tried to push him away but he gripped onto her horns tightly. "STOP FIGHTING BACK!!!" He shouted back. "We're trying to help you be normal by removing these damn horns!" Sarv kicked him away making him stumble and she quickly got up and was about to run but was stopped by the bully's friends. They grabbed both her arms and She struggled to break free as the boy got up looking angry now. He grabbed her horns again even tighter than before. "YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME! YOU'RE HURTING ME!!" Sarv complains. He saw a sharp stick in the ground and threatened Sarvente by moving it closer to her eye. "Fight back and I'll hit you." He said as he yanked her horns again. "AH!" Sarvente is in pain her eyes start to water and she begins to cry. With no way to escape Sarv did something only a miracle can happen. "SOMEBODY! PLEASE! HELP ME!" Sarvente shouted at the top of her lungs as her voice echoed through the woods. A boy with a gray snow jacket and an Eye patch looked back to where the voice came from and not a second later he started running towards it with great speed.

Back in the woods, Sarvente keeps crying. "Ugh, shut her up I can't focus!" The boy with the hat ordered one of his friends as the girl in the group stepped up and slapped Sarvente in the face. This only made her cry more. "Shut u-" Before the leader could say anything, someone punched him and they punched him so hard he went flying and hit his back with the tree. The other two let go of Sarvente and were about to run but were dragged by the collar and slammed into the same tree as their leader. The leader retained his consciousness and spit out a few teeth from his mouth then looked at his petrified friends. He finally noticed the one who punched him earlier and also trembled. It was a kid the same age as them with an eye patch on his left eye gray hair wearing a gray jacket, standing before them glaring at with as they described with an intent to kill.

Sarvente saw the back of the person who saved her from further torture. "Try hurting her again and I"LL KILL YOU!" He said to them, they were fast to notice that he was not lying and scattered through the woods like a bunch of rats. "Cyka." He cusses before looking at Sarvente. "Hey..." He extends his hand to her and hesitantly she holds it and he lifts her. "Thank you..." Sarvente said, as he took out a handkerchief and wiped away her tears.

From that day on Sarvente made her first friend...

HA! How is that for a chapter? Adding some backstory is always good to strengthen the foundation of the story. Hope you guys enjoyed it bye! 

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