ⓢⓔⓥⓔⓝ (Edited)

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C H A P T E R • S E V E N

You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. - Ernie Banks

Maxie Foreman

I blink a few times trying to see if I'm dreaming. But the number is still there, displaying on my phone screen.

It was him, he's really calling this time.

My phone keeps vibrating in my hand and his number keeps on flashing on the screen. I keep staring at it as if it's not real like my eyes are playing a trick on me.

I gulp breathing heavily. I am so nervous; I can literally hear my heartbeat in my ear. I'm contemplating hard whether I should answer it or not. Am I ready to talk to him? No. I can't.

If this happened a few months ago, I would've pressed the accept button in a heartbeat. But no, it's different now.

Oh my god! Is he that desperate for my help to personally call me?

My phone suddenly stops vibrating and my voicemail followed. My anticipation skyrocketed after I hear myself say 'leave your message after the beep'

I almost fainted when I hear his voice. The same voice that got my knees to turn to jelly. The same voice that I love so much.

"Hey Max, it's me, Jay, um..." He paused his voice is slow and unsure; he used my nickname for him. Oh god, I hear him suck in a deep breath and exhale. As if trying to compose himself, he cleared his throat and continued, "No matter what my mom tells you, please, please don't come here. I beg you. Just... don't okay?"

Then the line ended.

Hours had passed and I'm still looking up at the ceiling of Ausy's bedroom.

His voice still lingered in my head like a broken record, repeating itself over and over again.

He sounds so helpless. It almost didn't sound like the Jaden I knew. He begged me not to come. No matter what his mom says he said, the desperation in his voice gives me chills. Jaden never begged, much more ask for a favor.

His ego is so big to ask for anyone's help. Who the hell just called me? He sounds so different. Oh my god. What is wrong with him?

What the hell is happening to him?




"Max honey wake up..."

I stifle a groan and stretch my limbs obnoxiously and blink my eyes a few times until the bright sunlight that is cascading inside the room greets me making me close my eyes at the brightness.

"Good you're awake, you missed school today, sorry I didn't wake you up, you look exhausted so I let you sleep."

A gentle voice explains. I open my eyes once again slowly this time, Margaret - Ausy's mom - was looking down at me with a small smile on her beautiful face.

Then what she said hit me, I missed school?

"What time is it?" I ask sleepily.

"It's almost three in the afternoon; you must be hungry, just go downstairs okay? Aus is out with his Aunt."

I nod thanking her and she left.

I miss school... Damn what if we had exams? I'm screwed. Why did I oversleep again? I shake my head disappointedly. I hate missing school. I love school. As fucked up as that sounds. It's our senior year, who doesn't love the last year in that black hole! Well, I do.

I sit up and run my hand through my messy hair. Ugh, my bed hair sucks. I look around trying to locate my phone, but it wasn't on the bedside table where I left it last night. I frowned looking at the bed.


Where the hell is it?

I groan once again and decided to find it later. I walk over to where my backpack is and take out my clothes and fresh panties and head to the bathroom.

An hour later I emerge from the bathroom clothed and ready to leave. My stomach growls and I remember Margaret said she prepared food. I sigh in relief.

I'm freaking famished. I took my bag and step downstairs.

I found Margaret on the couch asleep. I chuckled shaking my head. She fell asleep watching a movie. She must be exhausted. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, there are leftovers from lunch.

I heated them and started eating when the doorbell rang. Frowning I get up from my chair and walk towards the door.

Once I'm in front of the door I open it expecting Ausy and his Aunt. This is a bit idiotic since I'm awfully aware they have their own keys.

But when I open the door it wasn't them, but two of the most unexpected people I thought I'd see.

"Hey, best friend." Rory greeted smiling nervously and glance back to the woman beside her biting her lower lip nervously,

"This is Jaden's Mom. Hehehe."

• • • •

Cliffhanger again sorry! Lol

Hey guys! This is gonna be the last update for now! I'm taking a break so we'll have a bit schedule change :) so from daily the update will be twice a week, is that okay? Sorry. i just read the previous chapter and i cringe all through the story. lol it SUCKS!! Hahaha i need more time to polish and write this with more time..this book is my new love and i want to write it well.

Love you all!!

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