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It's a bit late but still...

Please excuse the typos, grammar errors(there's millions of them), and spelling.

C H A P T E R • T H I R T E E N

"It must have been the aftermath of the vision that's all." Said Sirius. "You were still thinking of the dream or whatever it was and-"
"It wasn't that." said Harry shaking his head. "it was like something rose inside me, like there's a snake inside me."

-Harry Potter.

JADEN MAHONE (part one)


The smell of my own stench is all that you can smell all over the small cage I am in.

The sound of my own whimper from agonizing pain is all that you can hear.

And the scraps of metal gangling as it clashes against the metal bar he cages me in.

I feel groggy and weak. I haven't eaten in a week. I can feel my breathing slowing down every day from the exhaustion and the pain and the hunger I feel. I know where the path I'm going. I don't know if I'm prepared for that horrible fate I'm destined to take.

I feel like all my will to leave evaporated as my mother on the other cage barely even move.

I hope she's just asleep. oh god, please ... I don't know what to do if I lost her,

"M-mom." I croaked weakly. my voice barely a whisper.


"M-mom ...." I said louder my throat hurt, my voice echoed around the small space.

Once again I was answered by silence. I slowly crawl using my elbow and my knees to push myself further, attempting to come closer to her as close as I can.

I need to know if she's still breathing. god, just a little sign she's still with me.

I manage to crawl near the corner just a few meters away from her limp body, her back is facing me. I can't hear her breathing. I stay still looking at her concentrating on her breathing. Her chest is no longer heaving. it's no longer rising and falling.

Nothing. I can see her expose thigh looking so pale almost as white as sheets.

I feel my chest tighten and my lips trembling as panic enveloping me.

"M-mom!" I manage to say louder ignoring the burning sensation in my throat, it's like two sandpaper rubbing together. It hurts a lot but I endure it, My eyes are stinging badly from the unshed tears.

She's strong. she promises me. she'll stay... no! No! No! She said we'll escape this hell. she promises.

"M-mom," I whisper weakly my vision is now blurred and my tears started to leak and continue until they can no longer shed. I collapse once again on the metal floor causing a rattling sound from the metal rails and the chain that held me.

She can't be. she can't leave me. oh god, Jesus.

She's dead. the horrible truth seems is slowly poking me worming through me, no matter how hard I try to convince myself she's still alive, and still breathing I know I'm just lying to myself.

She died in agony and in pain, knowing her only son is isn't free. knowing how she broke her promise. I couldn't blame her. god no. I love her so much. so much and it kills me knowing I did nothing to help her. I just watch her wither away and died.

I was Eleven when she introduces me to the monster it was three weeks after my father kick us out of our house and we live in the street. It was until the monster met my mom. I instantly know something is off with the man. But my mother won't listen. she still goes with him taking me with her without knowing him well. I'm now twelve, the monster has been torturing us for a year now, and using my mom as his ... Sex slave.

My mom will be mad at me for using the word.

I know I was right when we reach the monster's house, it was located in the middle of the woods, my mom suspected it I can feel it, the uneasiness swims through her gray eyes once she laid her eye in the shack the monster called a house. but she just ignored it, knowing full well that we need the man more than anything to survive. We need the monster to survive but look at where it takes us. to our own doom and death.

On the first day, the monster did not waste time, he showed his true color. he is a sadist. he uses my mom for his sadistic needs while tying me to the wall and makes me watch the horrible things he did to my mother. I feel like the air knocked out of me every time he do that. it happens every day for a year. He barely gave her a break, But one can only have enough. my mom fought him and we ended up cage up in the basement. Rotten to die.

Now he hasn't back in a week. It's the longest he's out. I don't know if I should feel relieved or worried, worried since I'm dying of starvation, relieved because he is not around to torture me, I don't know if I can take any longer. The food he's giving us can't be called human food. a cat would snort and turn his paws at it.

But I ate them. Like it's the best-tasting food in the world.

The rattling of the doorknob brings me back from the past. not later the door creek opens showing the monster looking directly at me with a scary smile on his face.

I knew where this is going. I am ready.


Annoying Authors note:

This book depressed me. !!! I literally pull my hair writing this. it's so hard! Not to mention too dark ... i can't even..

Anyways.. I hope you like it. and next chapter will be part two of Jaden's past.

Annnnd you'll meet his alter by next chapter i guees.. his name is ... okay if you guess the name you will have a dedication and i will do whatever you want! Like delete this book if thats what you want. lmao. seriously anything.. Okay???

Yes! Here a hint. his name starts with 'J' as in Jaden. lol but it starts with letter "J" okay??

Now please vote comment and share if you like the chapter..


Ps. I change the category from Humor to Short story since this is so not even close to funny.

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