Chapter 30

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* Kyler *

" Honey , I don't know if I can do this anymore . Whatever your plan is needs to hurry up . I can't even stand to look at him " I whispered to Honey through the phone as Chris was in the bathroom .

" Look I'm close to knowing who Dawn is . Not Dawn but the person behind the Dawn mask . Have you been being realistic ? " She said back

" Girl , is letting him put it down count ? " I said rhetorically . Please hurry gotta go bye " I hung up .

It's been almost a month since I found out Chis might have a child . I won't completely believe it until I get a DNA test . But in order for me to do that , I need a sample from Chris but he can't know that I know yet .

" Who was that ? " Chris asked .

" Oh that was just BeeBee and Elsa . They're coming by . You know so I can check up on them " I said . " I need to tidy up a bit "

" Okay well I'm about to go to the studio . See you later " He kissed me and when he left I wiped it off .

I'm surprised his slow self hasn't noticed me distancing myself from him lately .

After about an hour , BeeBee and Elsa finally got here . Elsa had a huge smile on her face but Bee looked down .

" How are you guys ? " I asked as they sat down .

" Amazing , that money you gave me allowed me to afford my online classes . I can't thank you enough " She said hugging me tightly and sitting back down .

" What about you Bee ? " I asked .

" Go ahead and tell her " Elsa cheesed .

I smiled at her excitement " I'm
pregnant " A tear rolled down her face .

" Wow , Umm pretty young but it's still a blessing " I said .

" Look , I haven't been completely honest with you guys " She started .

My phone started ringing and it was Honey .

" Hold on " I got up and went into the kitchen .

" I tracked the number down with my police officer friend's equipment and got the number and I'm gonna send you the number " She said getting straight to the point and hanging up .

I went back into the living room " Hold on we about to find out the bitch that's been fucking my husband " I said pressing the number Honey sent me .

When I tapped the number , Bee's contact popped up .

BeeBee and Elsa watched in content . " Df my phone acting stupid " I said restarting all my apps and going back to messages and clicking the number again .

Bee's phone rang and she froze . I narrowed my eyes . Elsa just looked straight confused . Bee slowly pulled out her phone and I snatched it from her and answered it .

" Hello ? " I said

" Kyler ? " Honey asked .

" Wow " I said looking at her in disbelief .

I hung up the phone and threw it in the fish tank .

" So you're Dawn huh ? " I asked slowly walking towards her .

She nodded and the tears started falling harder . Elsa just looked straight confused .

" Kyler , I am so sorry . I didn't mean to . We just did it and couldn't stop . I feel so guilty " She sobbed .

" Shut the fuck up . Just shut the fuck up hoe . Yo hoe ass didn't feel sorry when you was on top of my husband . You wasn't crying when you was sleeping with him . I swear to god " I said pacing back and forth .

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