Chapter 14

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* Kyler *

I woke up and groaned at my really bad head ache .

" Fuck man " I said . I instantly realized where I was and what happened .

" Damn where's my kids ? " I asked trying to sit up but Chris put his hand on my shoulder to lay back down .

I looked at his hand and pushed it off hard . " Kyla where's my fucking kids ? " I asked .

" They're in the emergency room getting worked on . We don't know their condition yet but everyone else is on their way " She explained .

I put my face in my hands and began crying making my body jerk which caused pain to shoot throughout my entire body .

" This is all your fucking fault !!! I swear if I wasn't in this bed I'd be fucking you up right now you 2 timing bastard . How dare you have a daughter and not tell me about her . Then lie to me and tell me I had your first child . I want a fucking divorce bitch " I yelled . I knew I was speaking out of anger . He isn't a 2 timer cause he had her before we even met . But still , why'd you have to lie to me ? I thought we would be coming into this marriage with honesty .

" Kyler she isn't - " He started but Kyla cut him off .

" Chris please just leave . You don't have to leave the hospital because they're your kids too but please just leave this room " Kyla begged .

" You know what fine . But when you find out the truth you'll be sorry . Fuck this . I'm out " He said and slammed the hospital room door making me jump .

" Punk ass nigga " I mumbled .

Chris doesn't like it when people call him a punk ass nigga . He says that's the most ultimate disrespect anyone can do to him .

" Oh my god . Are you okay Kyler ? " Honey said barging into the room with Tyga , Maya , Mia , Iggy , and Keeis .

" I'm fine . Just in pain " I croaked .

" Where are my nephews ? " Iggy asked .

I looked at Kyla and began crying again . She explains their condition and they comforted me . That's all they could really do .

Just then a doctor walked in with a vanilla folder .

" Okay I have an update on your sons " He spoke . I sat up ignoring the pain " Your youngest pulled through just fine . All we had to do was clean a deep cut on his arm . As for your oldest , he's in critical condition . He's on life support but we're doing all that we can on that young man . I'm sure he'll pull through " The doctor spoke making my tears come down heavier .

Someone walked in the room but I didn't look up .

" Who are you ? " Honey asked .

" Ashley " I looked up and saw Ashley and Simone getting a stare down from my family .

I shot her an evil glare .
" Everyone leave " I said knowing that's what she wanted .

Simone left the room with them and closed the door behind them .

" Why do you think I even want to see your face ? Did you even know ? "

" Know about what ? " She asked .

" Me being married to your child's father " I said .

" N- No " she answered

" Lie #1 . You get to Lie #3 that's when you catch my right hook hospitalized or not . And I'm really tryna keep it classy here . Try again "

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