Chapter 31

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* Kyler *

" Kyler , I swear to god if you don't tell me where you are , I will get my FBI friend to track you down " Honey threatened for the 30th time .

" Honey please . I need time " I sniffled .

" Time ? Baby , I understand that you're disappointed and heart broken but you have responsibilities . Your modeling agencies are calling me to try and find you . Drake called me to find you cause he wants to do another song . But most importantly , you're two sons are crying and begging for you Ky . No one's saying to come and reconcile with Chris' bitch ass , you know you can stay with me " Honey explained .

" I'll be by in an hour " I said then hung up .

If you're wondering where I am , I'm at my old condo . The same condo I owned back when I was 18 falling in love with Chris . Now it's 8 years later and I'm about to divorce him . Tragic and Ironic .

My emotions were all over the place . Part of me wanted to kill him , part of me wanted to kiss him and met him hold me and apologize . I was depressed , hurt , broken , shocked , angry , and confused .

The last thing I wanted to do was see him . I couldn't go 5 minutes without crying . I'm a 26 year old woman and I don't know how to control myself . Shame .

I sighed and took my suitcases that I thankfully never unpacked and put them in the back of my car then started my journey to Honey's house .

In 45 minutes , I arrived at her house . I slowly walked up to her house , not ready to face my responsibilities . But I gotta do what I gotta do .

I knocked in the door lightly and before I could knocks second time , the door swung open . Honey engulfed me in a giant hug " I'm so sorry this happened . I know how you feel " She said and let me walk inside the house .

I saw Iggy sitting on the couch and Kay was crawling around drooling all over .

" Kameron Chase and King Anthony Brown !!! Get down here ! I have a surprise " Honey yelled .

Their footsteps came down the stairs and when they saw me , they yelled , They ran over to him and I bent down to give them giant hugs .

" We missed you mommy " Kam said .

" I missed you guys too " I sniffled . Oh my fucking God , stop crying bitch , the devil on my shoulder said .

The angel on my other shoulder said it's okay for me to cry . But right now I needed to keep it together for my children .

" Kids , go upstairs while grown folks talk " Iggy said .l

Mia picked up Kay and they all ran up the stairs .

" Ky , what is going on ? Neither of us have answers " Honey said .

I sighed " How the hell am I gonna explain to Kam and King that they're sister is also they're cousin " I laughed evilly .

" Well I know Dawn was BeeBee but I didn't think she was pregnant " Honey said surprised and sat down like this was too much for her too handle . Try letting her be in my shoes .

" Yeah and then she gonna give me this bullshit ass excuse saying she don't know if it's his or not " I shook my head .

I laughed again " Oh and did I tell you that Chris actually knew about the baby him and Nia have together . He been paying her to keep quiet but obviously she wasn't having that anymore " I explained .

" You guys , I'm tired . There's no coming back from this . There's no forgiveness for this . When I say I'm done , I am truly done with Chris . As far as the kids are concerned , I don't want them knowing anything about this . In their mind , we're still together " I said .

" I hate to burst your already bursted bubble but I think we should go to the clinic to see if you're clean . He was fucking 2 other females while fucking you . I'd want to get checked " Iggy said .

Honey nodded " She's right "


" Here you go . If you have any questions see me in my office " The nurse said handing me 3 things .

The results , pills , and a schedule . " Oh my god , this is bad you guys . She gave me pills " I started panicking .

" Girl stop tripping for 1. 2 read the results before you jump into any conclusions " Iggy said .

I took a deep breath and began reading the results . I'm clean . So what the fuck these pills for ?

I continued reading and what I saw shocked me .

I threw the paper and laid back on the hospital bed . And here come the waterworks .

Honey picked up the paper and began reading the results " You have no sign of an STD but you have been diagnosed 1 month pregnant " Honey slowly read .

" I can't be pregnant . I just can't . I can't bring a child into this Earth with the circumstances I'm in right now " I said crying .

" Well now that you're pregnant , staying stress-free is very important Ky " Iggy said .

I started crying harder " I'm not emotionally stable to carry a child . What if I lose the baby due to stress ? " I asked .

" Well you have us , but I think you're lacking someone . Someone you really need . Someone you need to reconnect with " Honey said " And I know just the person " She smiled .


" Really ? Her ? " I said looking at Kyla

" See , I told you she wants nothing to do with me " Kyla said backing away .

" Look whatever issues you have , solve it now . Less stress . If you can't do it for the sake of y'all's friendship , then do it for your unborn " Iggy said .

I sighed as they closed the door " Are you gonna tell me what happened " She asked sitting next to me .

I instantly felt my face get hot and my eyes burn . I tried to hold it in , but I couldn't , I broke down .

" You don't know what it feels like Ky . I look in the mirror everyday asking myself , where did I go wrong ? What did I do wrong in the relationship ? Was I too fat ? Was I too skinny ? Was it because I don't give head ? I don't understand Ky . I've given him everything . Stuck with him through his bullshit drama . I was there for him when the media came at him . I was there when Kristyl played his ass . I was there for him through everything . I was faithful , loyal , respectful . His family loves me . So what is it ? This is how I get paid . This is what I get treated with . A husband who has 2 different baby by 2 different woman while with me . He paid one of them to keep their mouth shut and the other is my cousin . How the fuck am I supposed to explain to my children that they're sister is also their fucking cousin . That shit is fucking sick . I look at my self and call myself a piece of shit . That's all I am right ? Nothing but a low-down , stupid , blind , fat , ugly bitch huh ? I'm sick of this world . If I could leave it , I would . There is too much . Just too much . I'm done . I'm done giving people second chances . I'm done forgiving people who don't deserve forgiveness . I'm done being generous . I thought being mean and rude back in high school was a turn-off but it sure did keep most of the snakes away . Now that I'm nicer and more generous , people take that shit as a joke and take me for advantage . I'm done with Chris . I'm done fucking cryin . I'm done with my whole fucking life to be honest . I'm just done Ky . I've reached my breaking point " I said getting up .

I don't want a shoulder to cry on . I don't want sympathy . I don't want to be held . I just want to be locked away in a room with my children and that's it .

I can't stress it enough when I say this . When I say I mean this , I put it on my mother's grave .

I am done .


Short , but I kinda wanted to leave this chapter with a bang .

Poor Kyler , but don't worry , things will get better for her and her family .

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