Chapter 18

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" ...... you females are a trip . Y'all claim us niggas ain't shit and y'all are always a victim . Half the time us niggas aren't leaving or cheating just to do so . Evaluate yourself and think , what are you doing that's making me want to leave "
- Michael Stevenson

* Kyler *

" He's fine Kyler , I promise . I just saw him before I left . He just needs to cool off " Honey reassured me .

As soon as Chris left , I called Honey for a shoulder to cry on and she was at my doorstep in under 10 minutes . Loyal friends like these are the ones I ride for .

" It's just one argument after another " I said sobbing into my hands .

" What y'all need is some good news ? Y'all need a vacation , some time together . Something to remind y'all of when y'all were teenagers . Something spontaneous , something fun " She suggested .

" I don't know what to do . Give me some suggestions "

" Uhhh . Do something nice for him . Like from the bottom of your heart " She said .

" Oooooh , I should get pregnant by him . Maybe if we have a newborn it'll draw us closer "

" No . That won't work . A baby will force y'all to be around each other . Y'all have no choice . Something else " We sat there thinking for a while .

" You know what fuck this " I said getting frustrated .
" We just gonna do it the old fashioned way and talk it out . Call his ass over here "

" He's not gonna just come . He doesn't want to see you , at least what he told me "

" Then tell him I'm hurt or something "

She shrugged and called him . They hung up 5 minutes later .

" Alright , I should go ahead and leave since he's coming . Everything will be alright boo just stay strong " She gave me a hug and kissed my forehead then left .

About 10 minutes later Chris shows back up .

" Are you alright ? " Chris rushed over to me .

" Yes I'm fine . Honey just said that so I could get you over here "

He sucked his teeth " Man , you play too fuckin much " He rolled his eyes and headed for the door but I stood in front of it .

" Move Ky "

" No nigga , let's talk this shit out " I demanded .

He groaned and sat back down on the couch . " Like I thought " I boasted to myself .

" What ? "

" Nothing "

" What you want ? " He asked irritated .

" Why you mad bae ? " I asked teasing him .

" Shut the fuck up Kyler . You know why I'm mad " He said crossing his arms .

" Awe . I'm sorry bae . Imma quit my job alright . We gon go on vacation . I'll make it up to you " I said licking and tugging at his bottom lip with my teeth

" You will ? " He spoke slowly . " You better stick to your word "

" Yes daddy " I winked and walked up the stairs knowing he would follow me .

* Honey *

" I want this nonsense to stop ! " I yelled .

" It's not nonsense Honey ! " Ty barked back .

" Yes it is . Where is all this army shit coming from ? We have enough money as it is ! "

" It's not about the money . It's about serving my country "

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