Chapter 37

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[ 9 Months Later ]

Wow . Can you believe so much has happened yet not much has changed in such a long period of time ? Since my birthday passed , I am now 27 and still fine as fuck .

No , Chris still hasn't signed the divorce papers . Me and my sister are closer than we ever could be . She gave me a reality check . One that I was in desperate need of . Of course , you guessed , me and Honey made up .

But most importantly , I had my beautiful baby girl .

Keyana Khaliyah Brown .

I just can't wait to see her real eye color other than black . As of right now, that's all I've been taking care of . You will not believe what day I gave birth to her .

On me and Chris' motherfucking anniversary . May 24th .

Sucks right . But it doesn't matter . My baby is so cute .

" Ow , why do you do that ? " I asked her as I breastfed her . This little munchkin was tryna chew my nipple off .

Once I was done , I fixed myself up and started walking to the kitchen .

" Are you taking me to my football game ma ? " My big 7 year old asked me with his football uniform on .

" No you're dad's about to come pick you up in a little bit " I said .

" You're not coming ? " He asked sounding sad .

" Alright , fine . I'll come " I said burping her .

" I'll take Yana " Kameron said after King came running in my room with his pants in his hands and whimpering .

I handed her to him carefully " Be careful . Go sit on the couch "

" King Anthony , you are 4 years old about to be 5 and you don't know how to put your own pants on " I shook my head and stuffed him in his pants then got myself ready quickly .

" You need act straight . Literally " I said to my hair .

I just brushed it back and put it in a ponytail . The doorbell rang .

" It's your daddy " I yelled from the bathroom . Once I made sure I looked decent I grabbed my phone and purse and keys and headed to the living room where everyone is .

" Wassup Ky " Chris greeted .

" Hello Chris " I wanted to ask about them Damon papers but right now wasn't a good time to ask in front of the kids .

" Hey baby girl " Chris said picking her up and kissing her fat cheeks making her laugh hysterically . I smiled at the moment .

" Are we taking separate cars ? " Chris asked .

" Uhh yeah . Cause it's your turn to have the kids " I replied . Me and Chris agreed that I would keep Yana for majority of the time so I could keep an eye on her better and breastfeed her .

I grabbed the car seat and put it in my car and let him strap her in . King and Kameron outgrew their car seats . " Good luck Mommy's boy . I'll be in the stands cheering you on " I kissed his cheek and he wiped it off .

" I don't get a kiss mommy ? " King asked and I gave him a big big kiss onbthe cheek as well .

" What about Daddy ? " Kam asked once he got in the car .

" He'll pass " I said for him .

" No I don't . I'll take one right here " He said tapping his cheek .

" You're okay . Get going before y'all be late . See you guys there " I said getting in my car and making my way to the football field .


We won ! 46-7 . We killed them . We took them out to eat and came back to my house for some reason . " Why are y'all here ? " I asked .

" I just wanted to talk " He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom .

" JUST to talk " I said making it clear . I sat down on one side and he sat on the other .

He wasn't saying anything so I spoke up " I want the signed divorce papers " I said . To be honest , I've been asking nicely for too long .

" I don't want a divorce Kyler . I want to work this out between us " He pleaded .

" So getting with your dead ex girlfriend's , who I hated , sister is wanting to work things out . What makes you even think you deserve a second chance ? " I asked .

" I'm not with her Ky . I just did that to get back at you "

I swear he can be so dumb sometimes . " Get back at me for getting my heart broken by you ? " I asked . He just sighed . He know I'm right .

" A start to a better FRIENDSHIP I guess would be to let it all out now . To be completely honest about everything " I said .

" I don't even know where to start "

'" Well let me make it easy for you " I started , " Out of our entire marriage , who are all the females you've slept with while being with me ? " I asked .

" Honesty ? " He asked .

" Complete "

" Kristyl , Yvette , Nia , and BeeBee " He said .

" How many times for Nia and Bee ? " I asked .

" Once each " He answered .

" I don't believe you " This nigga fucked both these chicks and got them pregnant on the first and only time . Very hard to believe .

" 3 times for Nia . Twice for Bee " He finally admitted .

" Get out ! " I yelled .

" What ? " He asked .

" I said get the fuck out now ! " I yelled again and he slowly left .

I have no idea why I thought that would be a good idea . It is but I don't know if I'm ready for it yet . I need more preparation to have that hit me .


" Emerald ? what are you doing here ? " I asked . The ringing of the doorbell woke me up . the last time we spoke , she accused me of beating Jewel

" Umm , I just need to talk to you . I want to apologize for accusing you of doing that to Jewel . I should've known you'd be a better aunt than that . Me and Carter actually found out that it was her teacher . She actually got sentenced to 5 years in prison for Child Abuse , " She explained .

" Well I accept your apology . But right now isn't exactly the time to talk . Ask Iggy why " I said then closed the door .

I honestly didn't care if I was being rude . I just needed to make sure I wasn't taking my anger out on my kids .

" Ugh . Hello !? " I answered the phone . Why did everyone seem to want to bother me at the worst times like damn .

" Watch your tone , " Lashay threatened making me roll my eyes " I'm having s cookout tomorrow and I'm inviting everyone . You better be here by 12:30 tomorrow . Invite all your friends and their kids cause we'll have a Bihar ce house and other activities " She explained .

The last thing I wanted was to be around people who were way happier and living better than me . But that's what I needed to lift my spirits up .

" I'll be there " I said .


I decided that I'm only going to Chapter 40 . Then the 4th book will come out .

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