Chapter 40 ( Epilogue )

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* Kyler *

" Don't start Yana . He's coming back " I rolled my eyes as she started to whine for her daddy .

Yesterday , Chris told me he finally signed the divorce papers . So I was happy that everything was finalized and in its place . As of right now , life is good and getting better .

" I miss daddy too " King said .

" Y'all confuse me . Y'all asked him to go get you candy and now you're sad that he's gone . He's right around the corner . Would y'all calm down ? " I wonder if they do this with me when I'm not around . Probably not .

" That's them . Not me " Kam said separating himself from them making me giggle .

Finally , Chris walked through the door with a bag from Walmart .

" Thank god " I said .

" Awe . You missed daddy ? " He teased

Yes .

" Chill . Your children did " I said .

" MY children ? Why aren't they yours ? " aye asked chuckling .

" Cause all they do is ask and whine for you " I rolled my eyes .

" Cause they love me " He smiled .

" Kam didn't " I said knowing I had someone on my side .

" You didn't ? " Chris asked .

" Of course I did daddy " Kam said standing up to hug him .

You little .....

* Honey *

My baby now is 11 . I can't believe it . She's so grown now .

The doorbell rang so I got up to answer it and it was Michael . Didn't I tell his ass to stop showing up so early and unexpectedly .

" Michael what did I say about - "

" It's not about that . I'm here to apologize . I'm sorry for everything really . I'm sorry for hitting you . I'm sorry for throwing Passion in your face . I'm sorry for cheating and lying . I'm sorry for all the shit I put you through . I just want to make things right and start over " He confessed .

" I forgive you . But it's gonna take a lot more from you to earn my trust again " I said .

He nodded " I understand " He said beginning to walk away .

" Well you can start by taking Mia and Maya to school " I to,d him since that was exactly what I was just about to do .

He smiled " Of course "

* Chris *

" Please forgive me Kyler " I said on my knees in front of her .

" Chris " She groaned , " We're doing fine "

" But I wanna be more than fine . I want to be your husband again " I pouted .

I stood up and her eyes followed me upwards " Chris , I'm not gonna divorce for 1 day and get back with you the next . Can you be grateful please ? You cheated on me with 4 different women , had a baby with 1 and possibly another and I'm still willing to start a friendship with you "

He sighed " Well I just have one last thing to confess now that you said that "

She groaned in frustration " What is it now Christopher ? " She asked .

The things she puts up with from me " I got her tested and yes the baby is fine from Bee " I said .

She sat down and put her face in her hands " Don't touch me " She jerked away from me when I tried to touch her .

" I had a tiny bit of hope just a little bit that she wouldn't be yours . How the fuck are we supposed to explain to our kids that they're little sister is almost their cousin ? Huh Chris !? " She snapped .

I put her in my arms and held her " I'm sorry Ky . This never should have happened . I don't deserve you bae . Stop crying please " I said trying to soothe her .

She didn't respond to me , just laid limp in my arms . I figured she didn't want me here so I stood up and began to leave .

" Wait , please don't leave " She mumbled .

I took off my shirt and climbed into bed with her . I held her tightly as she cried herself to sleep . I kissed her forehead .

Why do I have to fuck up everything that's good to me ? I asked myself .

* Kyler *

What I learned through this entire journey is not to excuse anyone from anything . Just because someone doesn't seem like they would do something , doesn't mean they wouldn't . I never thought Chris would cheat on me but he did and even more . I learned that no matter what you go through , you need to focus on what's important as far as your job and your kids . Me losing sight of that was my worst mistake . Me taking my anger out on my innocent children was a mistake . I learned not to judge anyone . To get to know their story of why they did what they did before jumping to conclusions and assuming things . I learned that sex won't work . I learned that forgiveness is the key to happiness . For all you people out there that haven't forgiven , listen closely . Carrying around all the baggage you haven't forgave is unhealthy , physically and emotionally . If you were raped as a child forgive that person , not for them , but for you , so that you could move on with your life and leave the past in the past . To all you people who still hate your cheating ex , stop , hating them won't reset what happened . It just makes you an angrier person and things much more chaotic . Just forgive . Pray to the Lord and say you forgive that person and let it go . You'd be happier . But most importantly , I learned a lot about love . Love can give you life , happiness , thrill , passion , lust , and everything more . But it can also be the death of you . It can also bring depression , suicidal thoughts , sadness , anger , and a lot more shit . But it depends on how you take it . If you let it go after a while , you'll feel better and life will go smoother . Love is inevitable . Don't be scared to fall in love . But don't be scared to come out of it either .

Me and Chris , we gonna make it through our struggles . We're gonna overcome everything cause I've forgiven him and let things go . This isn't the end of our journey . We ain't done yet so don't unfasten your seatbelt . This is only the beginning .

This is only the spark of a New Flame .


Oh my god ! This is done ! It's done . I'm so proud of myself . This is the best , most successful series I have ever created . I hope you guys enjoyed reading this book just as much as I loved typing it .

But as Kyler said , this ain't the beginning .

The 4th book has been posted , it's called Autumn Leaves .

New Flame : Book 3Where stories live. Discover now