Chapter 35

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* Kyler *

I am sick and fucking tired of people who keep telling me to tell him . I don't give a fuck if this is Jesus' baby . He kept a pregnancy from me so why can't I ? See when Chris is petty and childish nobody pays attention to it . They just give me a pep talk . But the minute I try and do something petty for revenge it's all hell and the world is over . Wish motherfuckers would get the fuck out my god damn face . Damn . But whatever I'll do it since that's what everyone wants me to do right ?

I'm pregnant . Appointment in 2 days . Show up with the signed papers - Kyler

I texted Chris .

What makes you think I can make that ? been working on a new album . I gotta see if my schedule is open - Chris

Listen bitch ass nigga , I don't give a fuck if it costs you your life , fucking be there . Don't ? and you won't ever see the face of your child . Think I'm playing motherfucker ? You wanted war ? Nigga , you got it . It's only the fucking beginning . You thought me whooping your ass in the bathroom was the end of it . My nigga you will be bowing down at my feet when I'm done with your ass . bye . Drive safely :) - Kyler

I slammed my phone down in anger after sending a text . I heard it break but quite frankly , I didn't give a fuck . Fuck your schedule and your life df .

" Mommy - " Kam started .

" What !? " I yelled turning around .

" I just wanted to say me and King are hungry " He said softly playing with his fingers .

" All you do is fucking talk talk talk . Do you ever shut your mouth . If you're hungry , go eat shit God dammit " I yelled .

I saw a tear slip from his eye before he ran off upstairs . I sighed and plopped down on the chair making all my hair settle around my shoulders .

" Fuck " I mumbled to myself .

I ran up the stairs and went into Kam's room . King was patting his back as Kam was bawling .

King looked at me in fear . Kam looked at me and said nothing .

I walked towards him and reached out to touch him but he flinched .

I sighed and picked him up anyways . I sat on his bed with him in my lap .
" Look at me " I said .

He removed his hands from his face . " Mommy is very very stressed out , okay ? I'm very sad . Sometimes people say things they don't mean . I didn't mean what I said . I love you very much and I'm sorry " I said cradling him in my arms .

He kissed my cheek and wiped his tears then wiped mine which I didn't even know were there " Get ready , we're gonna go to Chik-Fil-A and I have a surprise to tell you " I smiled at the both of them .

They cheered and searched through their closets for something to wear . I found something simple for me and threw it on . I really didn't want to deal with paparazzi but anything for my kids , especially after what I just said .


" You get to see your dad for a little bit today " I said to the kids as a I drove carefully .

Two days ago , when I took them to Chik-Fil-A , I told them they had a little sibling on the way . They demanded to come see what the sex is .

" Daddy's gonna be there !? yaaaaay !! " King squealed .

" Why isn't daddy around all the time " Kam asked .

" I'll tell you later " I said . Think of a lie , Ky . No matter what me and Chris go through , I don't want our kids to change their perspective of him . If I have to take his unfaithfulness to the grave just so my kids won't find out then I will . Just so they won't love him any less .

I parked the car and saw Chris sitting on the steps in front of the clinic . Knew his ass would show up .

" Hi daddy " They both yelled .

They had their little moment while we were outside . " Daddy , how come you're not around all the time ? " Kam asked .

" Kameron Chase , what did I say in the car ? " I said sternly before walking ahead of Dumb , Dumber , and Dumbest .

I really do hope this is a girl . We signed in then waited until they called us back . As usual , he rubbed the gel on my stomach . The coldness doesn't even bother me anymore . After my 2nd pregnancy , it became nothing .

" So would you guys like to wait for the gender as a surprise or know now ? " He asked taking off his gloves .

" Now " I responded .

" Well it's a female " He smiled .

I smiled too while the boys grunted and groaned . " Don't hate . Me and my girl bout to be stunting "

" You say that now until the attitude kick in " Chris said .

I straight faced me and we busted out laughing . For a minute , we seemed like a big happy family but then I realized that I'm still livid with him .

" Thanks Doc . See ya in a few weeks " I said and hopped down from the table .

Chris walked us to the car and helped me strap in the boys . He followed me to my side of the car and I struggled to get in cause this Range Rover is big and tall and I'm small and short so it takes a bit of strength to get in but Chris just decided to lift me up and put me inside .

I rolled my eyes at him and stared ahead " Where's the papers Chris ? "

" I ain't sign them . Thought you wanted war ? You don't take the easy way out in war . It's just the beginning remember ? " He said the closed my car door .

What he said had me thinking . Was this mutual ? Was he mad too ? He didn't need to be fucking mad . I'm the one that got cheated on nigga df . Is he tryna get revenge or some shit ? This nigga got some damn nerve .

But alright . It's war .

* Honey *

" You can't just show up at my doorstep demanding for the kids Michael " I frowned at him .

So he stopped sneaking in my house but was now showing up at my doorstep numerous time demanding for the kids with no heads up . Like nigga .

" I don't see why not "

Is this nigga dumb ?

" Well , you need to give me a heads up from now on . We could be gone or already have plans " I said .

" Well can we go out please ? " He asked nicely .

I rolled my eyes " Mommy , can you come this time ? " Maya asked .

So now , here I was . At the aquarium with my " family . " I was so ready to go though . Everyone kept saying we were a nice family and a cute couple . It was irritating the shit out of me cause paparazzi was out too . Can't wait to see what story they done brewed up now .

As far as Kyler , part of me thinks she overreacted but part of me understood where she was coming from . There's nothing worse than being cheated on and being labeled as the villain instead of the victim . I shouldn't have justified Chris' actions and judge Kyler . Neither should Iggy .

Besides , I'll apologize and we'll be cool in a few .

New Flame : Book 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora