Chapter 3

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* Kyler *

I quietly opened the door and tried my best to close it quietly .

" You ain't slick !! Bring yo ass here " I heard Chris' voice boom throughout the house .

" Fuck " I silently cursed .

I heard Chris' heavy footsteps coming towards me " Didn't i say to come here !? " He yelled .

" But you - "

" Shut up " My head shot back . This nigga stupid . How you gon tell me to come here then come to me and get mad . Ladies and gentlemen , this is who I call hubby .

I rubbed my thumb over my engagement ring in nervousness .

" Why you lie ? "

" Lie about what ? " I smiled innocently .

" Why you lie about going to Honey's house ? " He asked .

" Cause I was out buying you a Christmas gift " I lied .

" Stop lying . You're not telling me something " Chris narrowed his eyes at me . " How come when I looked at your purchases you buying hella baby shit ? You pregnant ? "

" Hold up . You went through my purchases . Really Chris ? That's my private business " I folded my arms across my chest .

" Baby girl you gave up your privacy when you said yes , you gave up your privacy back in high school , you gave up your privacy when you invaded mine . Now tell why the fuck you gettin baby shit " He snapped .

That shut me up fast " I was buying it for a friend " I pouted .

" What friend ? " He asked .

" Could you not interrogate me ? " I asked and walked off to our room . " Where's my son ? "

" Don't walk away when I'm talking to you Crystal . And Kam's at my mom's house . We all alone now answer my question " He demanded .

" Please don't get mad Chris " I said sitting down on our bed .

" Oh my god . Just tell me " He said adjusting his black SnapBack and sitting next to me .

" I've been buying the items for Lytrell " I admitted .

" But she's not - You're lying "

" Im not . She told me when she was here . Trey's the father but he doesn't know and neither should you . So keep your mouth shut " i said .

" Really ? That's all you had to tell me ? I thought you were gonna tell me you were cheating or something " He sighed in relief .

I punched him in the arm " I told you I'm faithful . I haven't even cheated on you yet "

" Yet !? "

" I'm joking " I kissed his lips .

" Let's take a shower together " he suggested .

" No . You're gonna get carried away " I said getting up to find me some clothes so I can take a shower ALONE .

" Pleeeeeeaaase . I'm tired of that dumb lotion " He whined .

" Just wait a couple more weeks . I'm gonna send out the invitations tonight " I said tying up my hair .

Chris followed me to the bathroom . " Who are you inviting anyway ? "

" Uhhh everyone that was here at that dinner . Yvette - "

" Why you inviting her ? "

" I'm not only inviting her . I'm also inviting Krystle " I chuckled .

" Why ? You're dumb "

" Far from it honey . I want them to see me walk down the isle to a man they wished they could be with " I smiled .

He laughed " You're evil "

" I know " I took off my shirt and pants . " You can leave
now " I said looking at him stare at my body .

" Why I'm enjoying myself " He bit his lip .

" Alright " I warned " But if you get turned on just know I'm not doing anything with you "

He shrugged and i continued to strip until I was fully naked .

" Damn I can't just get a few thrusts ? " He said walking towards me .

" No " I said stepping in the shower before he could reach me .

He groaned before leaving the bathroom .

* Honey *

" Ughhh . I'm so fat " I whined looking at my bulging stomach .

Being alone while pregnant is frustrating . I have to get up and get things myself and no one's taking care of me .

" Can you stop whining mommy ? " Mia rolled her eyes .

" Look little girl if you don't wanna hear me , go in your room and close your door " I snapped .

She stormed off and slammed her room door . That little 6 year old is gonna be the death of me .

My phone started ringing and i answered it without looking at the ID .

" You okay ? " I heard Tyga's smooth voice ring through my ears .

" No . My feet hurt . I'm cranky . I'm horny . And I'm fat " I whined to him .

" Aww I wish I could be there with you "

" Who's that ? " I hear someone say in the background .

" Really Michael ? Don't call me when Chyna's ghetto ass is there please and thank you " I hung up on him .

Men 😒

* Iggy *

" You know I really missed you right ? " Keeis asked as I was playing with his fingers .

" I've been here for 6 months already . I know this " I giggled .

" Promise me you'll never leave again " He told me .

" I promise " I pecked his lips .

* Kyla *

I sighed as I was looking at all the overdue bills not paid . Ever since I left Lester money has been real tight . Although he abused me , he also took care of me . Now that I'm on my own , bills are hard to pay because the little job I have now ain't cutting it .

Lord . I rubbed my hands over my face . Even though Lester apologized , is he still worth taking back ? Or should I do something else ?

I grabbed my keys and left the house . There's no other option .

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