Chapter 39

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* Kyler *

It's been a year since the altercation at Lashay's house . Not only have I not seen or spoke to Chris but I also haven't even heard from him or about him .

None of his friends , security guards , or managers know where he is . Not even Tyga . After 7 months , I stopped searching and just gave up .

I understand he was hurt but he has responsibilities just like I did . The longest I went missing was 2 days . And I still made sure my kids were cool .

Chris missed Kam's football games , King's basketball games , Yana's 1st birthday and first steps . He missed me getting a job at a law firm .

The kids continue to ask for him but Kam stopped after a while . And it broke my heart because he said in his own words " Why should I keep looking for daddy if he doesn't want us " Kam definitely picked up the independent trait from me . But to be honest , I couldn't blame him .

" I feel like that's something I should do with him " I responded to Honey .

Honey thinks I should talk with Nia and the baby . " Why ? Y'all are bound together for the rest of y'all's lives . You don't need his permission to talk to a family member " She said making me shiver . She is not my family member .

" I still have to ask her anyway " I said switching Yana into my other hip .

" Why ? Bitch let's go now " Honey got up , grabbed her keys and dragged me to her car . I let Mama J have the boys today .

When we pulled up to the driveway a feeling rushed through me . Not nervousness . Definitely not fear . I don't really know what it was but I walked up to the doorstep and knocked on the door . I bet Chris has missed a lot of Royalty's life too .

Yana started making baby noises but I shushed her . Soon , Nia opened the door with Royalty standing next to her . She looked confused but invited us in anyways .

I took a seat on the couch while Yana ran around with Royalty who was way faster than Yana cause she was almost 2 now .

" What brings you two here ? " She asked once we got settled .

" Have you heard from Chris ? " I asked .

She shook her head " I was actually about to call and ask you since Royalty is always asking for him "

" Oh well he went running off after he had an altercation with his father " I briefly explained .

" How long has he been gone now ? " She asked .

Shouldn't you know ? He IS your baby daddy .

" A year " I responded .

She gasped and looked really shocked " I know . But I've had to move on with my life instead of being stuck on him . He can handle himself " I said .

" Okay that's all I wanted to ask . Thanks for inviting us " I said .

" Umm no , that's not all . You can wait in the car cause I still have questions " Honey said .

" What could you possibly have to ask her ? " I groaned

She ignored me " How long have you been messing around with Chris ? "

" Well we started messing around about a year ago , then 2 months later I got pregnant and we stopped . He paid me to keep quiet as long as he was paying child support for 18 years " She explained .

" Did you know he was a married man ? " I asked .

" Yes , but it didn't matter to me . He was THE Chris Brown and I was a fan " She said softly .

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