Chapter 5

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A Few Days Later

* Kyler *

" Are you sure you want to do this ? " Kyla asked trailing behind me .

I stared at the baggy " Positive "

I said walking into the clinic .

" Hello . How may I help you ? " The front desk person asked me .

" Hi . I would like a DNA test done " I said holding up the baggy .

I just came from Malcolm's house and Lashay's house . I have their DNA in my possession and I was one test away from unlocking all their secrets .

" What's making you do this ? " Kyla asked as we sat down in the waiting room .

" It's complicated " i said unlocking my phone .

She sucked her teeth and did the same . After 10 minutes they called me back , took a swab and they said the results will be shipped tomorrow .

Once we were finished , I dropped Kyla off at home and headed to my therapist .
I was so anxious to find out what the hell I was experiencing .

I pulled into the office's lot and stepped inside the building . I gave the front desk my name and appointment time and she gave me the directions to the office and I followed them .

The door was closed so I knocked . " Come in " A masculine voice said .

The first thing that popped into my head was " Lord please don't let Chris trip "

I opened the door with my purse in my hand .

" Ah you must be Miss Waters " The therapist stood up to shake my hand .

I smiled and hesitantly nodded " That's me " I could not wait to be Mrs. Kyler Brown .

I sat down in the chair behind his desk as he took a seat in front of his desk .

" Well to start with I'm Doctor McAllen and I have my master's degree in The Science of Psychology so you are getting the top of the line treatment here " He said smiling .

" Great ! Glad to know I'm receiving what I paid for "
I giggled .

" Alright . Shall we get started ? First , I want you to tell me your purpose of being here " He said rubbing his hands together .

" Okay well ever since a half a year ago , I've been having these dreams - "

" Nightmares ? " He asked .

" Umm they're dreams with bad events in them like devastating news almost , not scary or anything just shocking " I replied .

" Well can you give me an example of one of these dreams "

" Sure . Uhh there was this one dream I had 7 months ago where the entire family was at my house to have dinner . Something blew up and everybody's secrets was out on the table , everyone's . For example , in my dream Chris' secret was that he went crying to his friend that the DNA test he got done on our son was positive and he didn't want it to be . Well when I woke up and asked him , he admitted to getting a DNA test done just never cried and never said he did t want it to be his . It's like a pattern in my dreams , half is true an half isn't . Which confuses and angers me because I wanna what's true an what's not " i explained .

" Interesting . This is very rare but it exists . What you have is the Sigmund Freud's disorder . You basically unlock everything from your past and shine a light on everything that was done in the dark . Usually people are diagnosed with it because an event from their past is still hovering over them because they haven't talked it out or elaborated on it " He described .

New Flame : Book 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant