Chapter 38

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Kameron 😻😻 >>>

* Honey *

" What makes you think going to this cookout will result in anything positive . whenever the fam get together , it's hell . And you know it Ky " I said to her .

" I"m doin this for my sake though . I'm sick of hearing bad news and being depressed all the time . Honey , you don't understand how happy I really want to be " She explained to me .

" I understand but I just don't want anything to happen that's gonna make you even more depressed . But if this is what you want , I gotchu either way " I reassured her before getting into my car and following her to her mother's house .

* Kyler *

" Yana stop crying " I groaned . She was crying for no reason . She's comfortable , empty diaper , just fed , like this girl .

" Maybe she wants her father " Honey shrugged .

" No ! King and Kameron both always wanted to be up under their father . Keyana is mine and she's gonna be a Mommy's girl " I said bouncing her up and down but she would not stop crying .

" Let's test it " Iggy said going to Chris' instagram . She showed her a picture of him and she started smiling and giggling .

" I give up " I said handing her to Honey .

" Kay ! " I called out for my 1 year old niece .

She came crawling around the corner and I picked her up . She was a pretty baby .

Iggy scoffed " She a daddy's girl too "

" Where is Keeis anyway ? " Honey asked .

" His sister's wedding " Iggy responded .

" And you didn't go ? " I asked shocked .

" Are you kidding me ? Keeis' family hates me . His parents are old-schooled so they believe in black with black and white with white . They resented me as soon as they saw me " Iggy shook her head in disappointment .

I thought this occurred in the 1960's . Tragic .

I went inside the house and into the kitchen where Mama J and Mama L were cooking like there was no tomorrow .

" Hey fat mama " I heard a baritone voice say all to familiar .

Chris' bitch ass . I really wish that conversation didn't happen a couple nights ago .

I went back outside on the porch with the girls not even acknowledging Chris . I saw a car pull up . It looked unfamiliar . But it was just Clinton who stepped out .

" Hello Kyler " He greeted .

" Hi Clinton . Lashay's in the kitchen " I said .

Me and the girls continued talking until shortly , we heard screams and a glass breaking . I hopped up and went inside instantly searching for my kids . On the couch , check . Then I went to the kitchen to see what the commotion is .

Mama Joyce was beeing held back by my mom while Clinton stood there with a shocked expression . " How dare you show your face in this house " Joyce yelled .

" This isn't your house . This is my girlfriend's " He replied .

" Girlfriend ? " Joyce asked snatching out of Lashay's grip .

" I am so confused . What's going on ? " Lashay asked . Everybody was thinking the same statement . What the fuck is going on ?

" Lashay , this is Clinton Brown . My child's father " Joyce said to her making me gasp in shock .

" Mom , you're dating my ex-husband's father ? Why am I not okay with this ? " I asked that last question to myself .

" I didn't know . No one ever told me his father's name . Brown is a common last name . I just thought it was a coincidence " Lashay defended herself .

Man , this some jerry springer type shit . I began looking around for Chris during all this commotion .

" Where's Chris ? " I asked .

" Daddy went upstairs cause he said he wanted to calm down " Kam said .

I bet I'm the last person he wants to see so I'll sit back . Joyce stormed out the kitchen and eventually ran out the house .

I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs letting me know Chris was on his way down .

" Clinton , you have to leave " I told him urgently .

" Leave , I just got here " He chuckled , " Besides , why would I be afraid of my son ? "

Well since you wanna be stubborn just like him , you can see for yourself . I wanted to say those exact words but imma sit back and let Chris' actions defend my words .

I went over and sat by my kids " You got some fucking nerve nigga " Chris said right before I heard a click .

My whole world zoned out as the click sounded way too familiar . I turned around and saw Chris aiming a gun at his father's forehead .

" Get in that room now " I said to my kids but Honey took all the kids to a different room before I could finish my sentence .

All I could think of was my kids having a father in prison . I wouldn't allow that to happen , so much that I jumped right in front of the gun before I could think of the consequences .

" Chris , this isn't right . Don't shoot him . We all make mistakes " I pleaded with him .

" This isn't right ? This isn't right ? It wasn't right when he beat my mother almost to death every night . When he beat me and left us . This bitch nigga deserves it " He said as tears ran down his face .

I stood on my tippy toes and whispered in his ear " You have kids . Kids that look up to you and are counting on you . Besides , if you're in jail , how are you gonna win me back "

He glanced at me . It took a minute for him to register everything before he threw the gun down and ran out the house .

I didn't know that would be the last time I'd hear from him for an entire year .

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