Chapter 7

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Honey , just imagine her with a pregnant belly 😩😍😭>>>>>

* Kyler *

" Chris can you give Chris a bath ? " I asked him picking out my outfit .

" Huh ? "

" I mean Kameron a bath " I giggled .

He laughed and shook his head and took Kameron to the bathroom .

Today was finally the rehearsal dinner . I let people know a month in advanced that if you stir up or start drama , or spill anyone's secrets you will not be allowed to attend the wedding and they will be removed from the rehearsal immediately . I wasn't playing this time , no one is ruining this for me .

I texted everyone the address and sent it through the mail in the invitations .

" Baby you look so sexy . I can't wait until next week " He said sliding his hands up and down my curves .

" I can't wait until you leave me alone " I giggled .

" When does your birth control pill wear off ? " He asks .

" Has it been a year since I had Kameron ? " I asked and he nodded .

" Then yes , but that doesn't mean I'm having another kid nigga " I said .

" Yes it definitely does . Condoms won't even exist on our honeymoon " Chris chuckled .

" But I hate being pregnant " I whined .

" And I hate how you're making me wait " He gave a fake smile and walked out .

" Mama I look fresh like dada " Kameron said walking into the bathroom .

" Aww you really do " I said kissing his fat cheeks .

I picked him up once I was perfectly ready and walked back to my bedroom . I grabbed my heels and my white Michael Kors purse with a gold strap and walked down the stairs .

" Oh my god we have to take a family picture " I said looking at all of us .

I took pictures of Kameron and Chris and Chris took pictures of me and Kameron .

I set my phone up so it was facing us and set a timer so we could all be in the picture . I took 5 and we finally got in the car .

We had to make sure we were here before anyone else . At this rehearsal dinner we would look at the set up , assign seats , and go over our vows . I was so excited .

I uploaded a family picture to Instagram and locked my phone deciding to look at all the comments later .

Once we made it to where the wedding was gonna be , we got out and we were actually late . Oops . Everyone was already .

" Ayee , my bitch look bad " Honey said hugging me .

I gave Iggy and Kyla a hug . I picked Mia up and kissed her cheek .

" Could you not ? I'm 6 auntie " She rolled her neck .

I widened my eyes and looked at Honey . She just rubbed her temples and shook her head .

Mia , Kameron , and Jewel went to go play and run around while we chatted .

Finally , my wedding planner Quinn showed up .

" How are you Miss
Waters ? " She asked me .

" Tres bien . Et toi ? " Me and Quinn often speak French together to be funny .

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