Chapter 9

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* Kyler *

I made it home and slammed my keys onto the table . " Fuck everything " I mumbled .

" Hey babe " Chris greeted .

" Hi " I said drinking from my water bottle .

" What's up with you ? " Chris asked .

" Females . I hate fucking females !! " I yelled .

" Damn you ain't have to yell . I'm right fucking
here " Chris barked .

" Don't fucking talk to me like that !! " I screamed and pushed him back .

" Don't put your damn hands on me Kyler " He said slamming me into the wall .

Tears started to slide down my face " Fuck all this shit . Fuck you . The wedding is off " I said and slammed the engagement ring down onto the table and ran out .

I ran and ran . I took alleys , I took detours until I was left alone . I was standing on rocks looking into the beautiful lake .

My phone was going off like crazy . " Why ?! You made me like this !!!! You fucked up my head " I yelled to the sky . My mother wasn't gonna answer though .

I called my real mother and told her where I was . One of the few people that didn't piss me off .

Within 20 minutes she got her . " Honey what are you doing out here alone ? " Lashay asked .

" I'm so fucked up . I'm fucked up in the head . I'm built with so much anger . I'm reaching my breaking point ma " I screamed to the lake .

" What's going on babe ? " Ma said rubbing my arm
" Where is all this coming from ? "

" A few days ago I went to go see a therapist for a certain reason . He told me what causes it is a bad childhood experiences or multiple that haven't yet been talked about " I explained .

" Baby , what happened to you as a child ? " She asked .

I took a big gulp . " I need to make things right . I need to do it today . I have to do
this . Go home mom " I said to her and ran off .

I called Honey and Iggy and apologized to them and explained to them what was going down in a couple of days . I walked the rest of the way back home .

When I made it to the house Chris jumped up and hugged me . " I've been worried sick about you . Why didn't you answer my calls ? What's going on ? " Chris asked .

I sighed " Look I want to postpone the wedding for another 2 weeks . There's something that has to be done before we can get married " I said sniffling .

" Like what ? " He asked .

" My story "

[ 2 Days Later ]

" Kyler are you sure about this ? In front of everyone ? " My father asked me .

I nodded " Positive "

We were about to get started . Doctor McAllen agreed to do a counseling session at the house .

It was between me , my father , and my mother and Chris , Honey , Kyla , and Iggy were watching .

" Alright shall we get started " He spoke " So Kyler why am I here ? " He asked .

" You're here to help me get rid of these dreams and sort through my family's secrets" I spoke .

" Well in our previous meetings we already established that the cause of these dreams are from bottled up anger , usually from a bad childhood experience . Would you like to share with us this experience ? " He asked .

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